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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 1/10/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 1/10/2013)
PlaceOfPublication Mem. Wern. Soc. 4:314. 1823.
Description Flowers 5- to 7-merous. Hypanthium conic to hemispheric, pubescent or hirsute. Calyx calyptrate in bud, at anthesis breaking irregularly and soon decid- uous. Petals large, red or purple. Stamens isomorphic or weakly dimorphic; filaments flat, more or less twisted at base; anthers subulate to lanceolate; con- nective often elevated along the thecae, at base bearing a conspicuous dorsal spur. Ovary free, 3- to 7-celled, often crowned with gibbosities or projecting append- ages; style elongate; stigma truncate. Fruit a many-seeded capsule. Trees or shrubs with large leaves and large red or purple flowers usually disposed in terminal 3-flowered cymules in a large terminal panicle.
Distribution About 15 species in the mountains from Central America to Peru and eastward into Venezuela and British Guiana. C. phlomoides Triana, known from Costa Rica and Colombia, may be expected in Panama
Note it is at once distinguished from the following species by its strongly 5-pli-nerved leaves.
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