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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 6/19/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 6/19/2013)
Genus Erechtites Raf.
PlaceOfPublication Fl. Ludovic. 65. 1817.
Note TYPE: E. praelta Raf.
Description Fibrous rooted, short-lived herbs. Leaves alternate, petiolate to variously weak-clasping or amplexicaul. Inflorescences varying from a single head (in depauperate plants) to many heads in loose to constricted compound cymes. Heads disciform; principal involucral bracts in a single series and equal in length, a shorter calyculate series present; receptacle flat to weakly convex, naked; marginal florets in 1-2 series, pistillate, the corolla tubular-filiform; disc florets numerous, fertile, the style branches surmounted by a terminal appendage of fused papillose hairs. Achenes terete or inconspicuously ribbed.
Habit herbs
Reference Belcher, R. 0. 1956. A revision of the genus Erechtites (Compositae), with inquiries into Senecio and Arrhenechthites. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 43: 1-85.
Key a. Leaves chiefly sessile, or if short-petiolate, then the petioles clasping; involucral bracts about 2 times longer than the width of the head; pappus white ...... 1. E. hieracifolia var. cacalioides aa. Leaves chiefly petiolate, or if subsessile, then not clasping; involucral bracts about 3 times longer than the width of the head; corollas and pappus usually pink or reddish ...... 2. E. valerianaefolia
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