Annual herbs, often much branched from the base, ± spreading, clothed with short, stellate hairs, scabrous. Leaves oblong-linear to obovate-oblong, entire, subsessile or sessile, apex rounded or obtuse. Racemes lax. Flowers small, white or pinkish; pedicels not thickened, ascending or spreading in fruit. Sepals subsaccate at base. Petals c. twice as long as the sepals, narrowly oblong. Stamens 6; filaments not appendaged; anthers short, obtuse. Lateral nectar glands in pairs but semiannular, open towards the outer side; middle glands absent. Ovary, linear, 16-36-ovuled; stigma bilobed, hardly conical, subsessile. Siliquae linear, torulose, bilocular, dehiscent; valves subconvex, 1-veined, pubescent with short, branched or stellate hairs; septum membranous, not veined; seeds uniseriate, suborbicular, obscurely winged.
Similar to Malcolmia but nectar glands different, stigma shortly bilobed, not conical; hairs and leaves somewhat similar as in Cithareloma but fruits and seeds different.