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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 7/2/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 7/2/2013)
Genus Leretia Vell.
PlaceOfPublication Fl. Flum. 99. 1825
Note TYPE: L. cordata Vell.
Description Lianas, shrubs or small trees with scrambling branches. Leaves alternate, .short-petioled, entire. Inflorescences axillary, much-branched cymes or panicles. Flowers articulated to short-bracteate pedicels, perfect, rarely unisexual by abor- tion; calyx lobes 5, subacute to rounded; petals 5, free, valvate with inflexed tips; stamens 5, the filaments filiform, the connective extended to an inconspicuous -tip; pistil asymmetrical, usually with 2 rudimentary styles, the functional style glabrous, the stigma capitate, the ovary hirsute with a columnar base, the ovules 2. Fruits drupaceous, glabrate, ovoid ellipsoid, slightly flattened, the apex obliquely umbonate, the mesocarp thin, the putamen tenuous, smooth; seed 1, the *embryo with wrinkled cotyledons, the endosperm present.
Habit Lianas, shrubs or small trees
Distribution A single polymorphic species has been collected in Brazil, British Guiana, Venezuela, and Peru.
Reference Howard, R. A. 1942. Studies of the Icacinaceae II. Humirianthera, Leretia, Mappia and Nothapodytes, valid genera of the Icacineae. J. Arnold Arbor. 23: 55-78.
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