1. Erodium
L’Hér. ex Aiton (stork’s bill)
Plants annual
(herbaceous or woody perennials elsewhere). Stems prostrate to loosely
ascending at maturity, usually reddish- or purplish-tinged. Leaves basal and
opposite. Leaf blades simple or pinnately compound, the main veins pinnate
(sometimes appearing 3-veined in E. texanum), the veins and margins
sometimes reddish- or purplish-tinged. Stipules mostly 3 at each node (by
fusion of adjacent stipules on 1 side but not the other). Inflorescences
axillary clusters of mostly 2–5 flowers, usually appearing umbellate. Sepals abruptly
narrowed or tapered to a short awnlike extension at the tip. Stamens 5, the
filaments free, gradually or abruptly broadened toward the base. Staminodes 5,
scalelike, shorter than the filaments of fertile stamens. Mericarps at maturity
with the stylar beaks separating from the column and curling and/or twisting
outward, the basal portion narrowly ellipsoid (tapered to a sharply pointed
base), usually indehiscent. Seeds ellipsoid, the surface smooth, brown. About
80 species, widespread in temperate and warm-temperate regions, especially in
the Mediterranean region.
Seed dispersal
in Erodium is accomplished by the shedding of intact mericarps, which
split from the central column downward from the tip. The long slender stylar
beak of each mericarp is hygroscopic, that is, it becomes spirally coiled as it
dries and tends to uncoil when conditions become wetter or more humid. This
action can effectively drill the spindle-shaped basal portion of the mericarp
into the soil. The awns have been used as crude hygrometers to measure changes
in atmospheric humidity.