(Last Modified On 8/12/2013)
(Last Modified On 8/12/2013)
Esenbeckia H.B.K.
Nov. Gen. Sp. P1. 7: 246. 1825.
TYPE: E. pilocarpoides H.B.K.
Polembryum A. Juss., Mem. Mus. Paris 12: 519. 1825.
Small to medium sized resinous trees or shrubs with thin, light colored bark separating in flat, irregular plates. Leaves alternate, pseudopposite to rarely opposite, simple, or 1-5 foliolate, the leaflets variable, chartaceous to sub- coriaceous, pellucid-punctate, petiolate, glabrous to variously pubescent. Inflo- rescences terminal or upper axillary, paniculate, few to many flowered, often subglomerate, pedunculate. Flowers small, greenish white, bisexual, (4-) 5- merous, regular; calyx cupular, the lobes ovate, obtuse at the apex, imbricate in bud; stamens 5, free, all fertile, inserted at the base of the nectary, the filaments filiform, the anthers tiny, subcordate at the base; ovary globose, depressed on the top, 5-lobed, frequently covered with numerous tubercules, 5-locular, ovules 2 per locule, superimposed, the style filiform, the stigma 1 or 5 lobed. Capsules dry, capsular, subglobose to obovoid, composed of 5 carpids, each carpid with a small to conspicuous hornlike projection; seeds oblong to reniform, 1-2 per locule, the testa smooth to rugose.
trees or shrubs
Esenbeckia is a New World genus of perhaps 20 species extending from Texas and Mexico throughout Middle America to central South America. Three species are known from Panama.
a. Leaves trifoliolate, alternate. b. Trees 10-20 m tall; petioles 5.5-8.5 cm long; leaflets 10.0-20.5 cm long; capsules urceolate, each segment conspicuously beaked ...... 1. E. alata bb. Shrubs to 5 m tall; petioles 1.0-3.5 cm long; leaflets 5-12 cm long; capsules sub- globose, the segments not beaked ...... 2. E. litoralis aa. Leaves simple, opposite or ternate ...... 3. E. panamensis
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