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Published In: Linnaea 7(3): 290. 1832. (Linnaea) Name publication detailView in BotanicusView in Biodiversity Heritage Library

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 6/2/2011)
Acceptance : Accepted
Project Data     (Last Modified On 6/3/2011)
General/Distribution : A genus of about 50 species in dry or desert regions of Africa and the Middle East to Northwest India; 7 species occur in Pakistan.
Comment/Acknowledgements : Stipagrostis is readily distinguished by its plumose awns. Its separation from Aristida is supported by the following anatomical characters:

Aristida. Cells of outer bundle-sheath smaller than the inner, both sheaths containing chloroplasts; silica-bodies usually dumb-bell-shaped; chromosome number usually 2n=22.

Stipagrostis. Cells of outer bundle-sheath larger than the inner, only the inner containing chloroplasts; silica-bodies usually circular; chromosome number usually 2n=44.


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Densely tufted perennials, suffrutices with knotty rhizomatous base, or delicate annuals. Leaf-blades narrow or terete, sometimes early deciduous leaving sheaths and chlorophyll-bearing culms as the main photosynthetic organs. Panicle open or contracted. Spikelets 1-flowered with scarious glumes; lemma cylindrical; indurated, produced into a 3-branched awn; awn with or without a column, articulated at the base of the column or near the middle of the lemma, the branches, or at least the central one plumose; callus well-developed, pungent or minutely bifid, usually oblique; palea usually less than half as long as the lemma.

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1 Lowest sheaths not lanate (or base of plant missing) (2)
+ Lowest sheaths and internodes covered with a thick flocculent fugacious wool; leaves rolled, filiform, pungent, often curved, sometimes forming a semi- circle or complete circle; central awn with an ex current naked tip Stipagrostis plumosa
2 (1) Glumes glabrous (3)
+ Glumes hirsute all over or glabrous only at the tips; column bearded below the trifurcation; central branch of the awn with an excurrent naked tip Stipagrostis hirtigluma
3 (2) Central branch of the awn plumose throughout (4)
+ Central branch of the awn plumose in the upper half or two-thirds, naked below (5)
4 (3) Lower glume conspicuously longer than the upper; column up to 16 mm long, without a beard above and below the knee Stipagrostis paradisea
+ Lower glume shorter than the upper or glumes sub- equal; column long-bearded above and below the knee Stipagrostis pogonoptila
5 (3) Lemma articulated at its summit, the column breaking away at maturity without a part of the lemma (6)
+ Lemma articulated at about or just above the middle the column becoming detached at maturity together with the conical upper portion of the lemma Stipagrostis ciliata
6 (5) Column without a beard at the trifurcation; articulation transverse; central branch of the awn without an excurrent naked tip (but if the tip is naked and excurrent see 2. S. plumose) Stipagrostis obtusa
+ Column long-bearded at the trifurcation; articulation at the base of the column oblique Stipagrostis uniplumis
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