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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 1/14/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 1/14/2013)
PlaceOfPublication Journ. Acad. Philadelphia ser. 2. 1:185. 1847
Reference Trelease, The Genus Phoradendron (Urbana, Ills.: The University of Illinois, 1916).
Description Erect and rootless shrubs. Leaves opposite, rarely reduced to scales. Flowers as in Dendrophthora, except that they are arranged in definite rows on the spike joints (2 or 3 series over each side of the joints). Anthers 2-celled, dehiscing by longitudinal slits; pollen grains globose, the exine smooth. Fruit as in the preceding genus.
Habit shrub
Distribution The New World mistletoe includes about 300 species. In the Old World it is replaced by Viscum.
Key a. Cataphylls present on all internodes of the branches. b. Branches cymosely or dichotomously forking at every node. c. Shoots obviously swollen below the nodes. Leaves rounded at the apex. Fruit globose, with erect tepals --------------------------- 1. P. PERGRANULATUM cc. Shoots not enlarged below the nodes. Leaves, at least the upper of them, acute. Fruit elongated, with connivent tepals. - 2. P. ROBALOENSE bb. Branches not forking at all nodes. c. Basal scales of the spikes forming a large and deep funnel-shaped tube enclosing the peduncle- ---------------------------------------....3. P. SUPRAVENULOSUM cc. Scales not forming a tube, thus the peduncle free. d. Leaves to 3 cm. broad, basinerved. Cataphylls 2-4 pairs on all joints ...................-..................................... 4. P. WOODSONII dd. Leaves mostly broader, nerveless or obscurely pinnately nerved. Cataphylls a single pair on all joints, usually 2-5 pairs on the lowermost ..... ...... ................................................ 5. P. P IPEROIDES aa. Cataphylls present only on the lowest internode of each branch. b. Branches terete. Spikes typically 2-jointed. c. Spike joints slender, up to 20-flowered in 4 series .6. P. CRISPUM cc. Spike joints rather stout, the more numerous flowers in 6 series. ---7. P. ALLENII bb. Branches 4-angled or flattened. Spikes mostly 3-(or more) articulate. c. Shoots prevailingly flattened or 2-edged. d. Branchlets subquadrangulate toward the tip ................................. 8. P. SEIBERTII dd. Branchlets of the same shape as the branches. e. Leaves up to 1.5 cm. wide. Spike joints clavate or turbinate, stout. f. Cataphylls two pairs above the base. Joints clavate, 4- 8-flowered. Leaves to 7 cm. long .............................-.. .... 9. P. CORYNARTHRON ff. Cataphylls one pair, strictly basal. Joints turbinate, 16- 24-flowered when pistillate (staminate ones to 70-flowered). Leaves 8-15 cm. long. g. Flowers 6-ranked, 30-70 in each joint when staminate... 10. P. NOVAE-HELVETIAE gg. Flowers 4-ranked, about 30 in each joint when staminate. 11. P. TONDUZII ee. Leaves 1.5-4 cm. wide. Spike joints terete. f. Spikes with 7-10 slender joints. Leaves 2.5-4 cm. broad.. 12. P. GRACILISPICUM ff. Spikes with 5-7 rather stout joints. Leaves up to 3 cm. broad. g. Leaves typically undulate or even crisped. -. 13. P. UNDULATUM gg. Leaves entire .-- - - - - - - - 14. P. COOPERI cc. Branches typically 4-sided or 4-lined. d. Leaves obovate, most of them emarginate. Spike joints 4- 6-flowered. Fruit tuberculate. - 15. P. MUCRONATUM dd. Leaves oblong, oblong-lanceolate or oblong-obovate. Spike joints 8-20-flowered. Fruit smooth. e. Leaves obovate-oblong. Fruit with upright tepals. Joints 6- 8-flowered ............-........ 16. P. TRINERVIUM ee. Leaves lance-oblong or oblong. Fruit tepals closely connivent. Joints 14-20-flowered- -.-------- ..---- .---- ..--..17. P. VENEZUELENSE
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