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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 5/29/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 5/29/2013)
Genus Lisianthius P. Browne
PlaceOfPublication Civ. Nat. Hist. Jamaica 157, t. 9. 1756.
Synonym Lisianthus L., Mant. PI. 1: 6. 1767 (orthographic variant). Leianthus Griseb., Gen. Sp. Gentianearum 196. 1838.
Description Herbs, perennial, rarely annual, occasionally suffrutescent, usually erect, often branching; stems terete to angulate, often becoming canaliculate above. Leaves sessile to petiolate; the petioles often amplexicaul; the lamina narrowly ovate, elliptic to obovate, submembranous to coriaceous. Inflorescences terminal and often axillary near the branch ends, few- to many-flowered, a thyrse, simple or compound dichasia, pedunculate. Flowers 5-merous, often showy, generally yellow, usually pedicellate, rarely sessile; calyx campanulate, lobed or parted to near the base, the lobes long-acuminate, rarely acute, often carinate; corolla contorted in aestivation, infundibular to salverform, usually constricted near the base, the lobes spreading to erect, equal, rarely unequal; stamens inserted on the lower part of the corolla tube, often unequal, the filaments filiform, included to exserted, the anthers introrse, oblong, versatile, usually apiculate; ovary 1-locular, usually appearing 2-locular (the placentae intruding and connected basally in the center of the ovary), the style filiform, often persistent, the stigma subcapi- tate to capitate. Capsules surrounded by the persistent and the marcescent co- rolla, frequently fusiform, septicidally 2-valvate; seeds commonly tuberculate or muricate. Pollen grains in monads, radially symmetrical, isopolar, (suboblate-) subprolate to prolate, the amb ? circular, 3 microns, 3-colporate (rarely 4-colporate), the colpi relatively long with tapering, ? acute ends, the colpus membrane smooth or granulose, the ora rounded to lolongate, the diameter of apocolpia 7-15 microns; exine 3-5 microns thick; sexine thicker than nexine, reticulate, heterobrochate, the lumina 0.5-7 microns in diameter, usually angular, the muri 0.5-1 microns wide supported by one row of bacules, of a pilum-like shape with ? pointed apices; densely clustered axillary flowers and the insertion of the petioles ( X 5). [After D'Arcy 4010 (MO).]
Habit Herbs
Description nexine smooth or granulose (L. jefensis, L. peduncularis, L. seernannii, L. skinneri).
Distribution A neotropical genus of 14-16 species in Mexico, Central America, the West Indies and reaching into northern South America. Four species are known from Panama, 2 of which are endemic.
Reference Nilsson, S. Pollen morphological contributions to the taxonomy of Lisianthus L. s. lat. (Gentianaceae). Svensk. Bot. Tidskr. 64: 1-43. 1970. Perkins, J. Monographische Ubersicht der Orten der Gattung Lisianthus (Gentianaceae). Bot. Jahrb. (Syst.) 31: 489-494. 1902.
Reference Weaver, R. E., Jr. A revision of the neotropical genus Lisianthius (Gentiana- ceae). Jour. Arnold Arbor. 53: 76-100, 234-311. 1972.
Key a. Corolla infundibular, the tube not inflated, broadest at the apex, the lobes 1.2-1.5 cm long, cuspidate-acuminate at the apex ...... 1. L. seemannii aa. Corolla tubular, the tube distinctly inflated, broadest near the middle, the lobes 2-8 mm long, acute to acuminate at the apex. b. Leaves subcoriaceous; flowers 2.8-3.2 cm long ...... 2. L. jefensis bb. Leaves membranous to chartaceous; flowers 3.5-5.4 cm long. c. Corolla lobes 6-8 mm long; anthers 4-5 mm long; flowers 4.2-5.4 cm long ......  3. L. peduncularis cc. Corolla lobes 2-3.5 mm long; anthers 2-3 mm long; flowers 3.5-4.6 cm long ...... 4. L. skinneri
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