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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 8/21/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 8/21/2013)
Genus Chomelia Jacq.
PlaceOfPublication Enum. P1. Carib. 12. 1760.
Note TYPE: C. spinosa Jacq.
Synonym Anisomeris Presl., Symb. Bot. Upsal. 2: 5. 1833. TYPE: A. spinosa C. B. Presl.
Description Shrubs or trees, occasionally armed, the branchlets occasionally reduced in length. Leaves with intervenal areas occasionally lineolate; stipules usually per- sistent. Inflorescences cymose, axillary, the peduncle occasionally reduced in length; bracts and bracteoles small, the latter occasionally connate. Flowers tu- bular, the teeth persistent; corolla white or cream colored, the corolla salverform or funnel shaped, usually sericeous outside, the lobes valvate or imbricate; sta- mens generally not exserted, the anthers dorsifixed, sessile, attached near the mouth; ovary 2-celled, each cell with a pendulous ovule. Fruits fleshy, the seeds cylindrical, pendulous.
Habit Shrubs or trees
Distribution Chomelia has over 400 species, about 50 of which occur in Central and South America. The genus has the majority of species in tropical Africa and tropical Asia. It also occurs in the Seychelles Islands.
Note There are only 4 genera among the Panamanian Rubiaceae which are armed. Apparently only one of these, Uncaria, is consistently armed. Most species of Randia have spines. In the case of Machaonia and Chomelia only rarely are the species with spines.
Reference Steyermark, J. S. 1967. Chomelia in Botany of the Guayana Highland. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 17: 333-334.
Key a. Plants armed. b. Leaves with intervenal areas not lineolate ...... 9. C. spinosa bb. Leaves with intervenal areas lineolate ...... 1. C. atlantica aa. Plants unarmed. c. Leaves with intervenal areas lineolate ...... 1. C. atlantica cc. Leaves with intervenal areas not lineolate. d. Sprawling shrubs; leaves with lateral veins ca. 6 ...... 7. C. psilocarpa dd. Trees or upright shrubs; leaves with lateral veins 6-13(-18). e. Leaves ashen white beneath; blades 7.0-f8.5 cm long ......  4. C. leucophylla ee. Leaves not ashen white beneath; blades 4.5-12.0 cm long. f. Flowers and fruits not secundly disposed. g. Inflorescence with peduncle scarcely measurable ......  8. C. recordii gg. Inflorescence with peduncle 1-3 cm long. h. Leaves coriaceous; lateral veins 7-9. i. Leaves with petioles 0.5 cm long; stipules to 0.35 mm long ...... 3. C. grandicarpa ii. Leaves with petioles to 1.5 cm long; stipules to 1 cm long ...... 2. C. coclensis hh. Leaves chartaceous; lateral veins 6 ...... 6. C. peninsularis ff. Flowers and fruits secundly disposed ...... 5. C. panamensis
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