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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 5/31/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 5/31/2013)
Genus Evolvulus L.
PlaceOfPublication Sp. P1., ed. 2. 391. 1762
Note TYPE: E. nummularius L.
Description Herbs or small suffrutescent shrubs, annual or perennial, not twining but sometimes creeping. Leaves usually small, ovate to almost linear, entire. Flowers in axillary, pedunculate, 1- to several-flowered dichasia or solitary, pedunculate or sessile in the leaf axils; sepals 5, free, equal or subequal; corolla small to me- dium, conspicuous blue or inconspicuous faded bluish-white, rotate, funnel- form or salverform, the limb plicate, mostly subentire, the interplicae pilose outside; stamens 5, the filaments filiform, inserted within the corolla tube, the anthers ovate to oblong or linear, pollen pantocolpate; ovary 2-loculate, each locule biovulate, sometimes 1-locular and 4-ovulate; styles 2, free or basally united, each style deeply bifid for at least half its length, stigmas long, terete, filiform to subclavate. Fruits capsular, globose to ovoid, 4-valvate, (1-)4-seeded; seeds small, smooth or minutely verrucose, the cotyledons almost flat, the radicle incurved.
Habit Herbs or small suffrutescent shrubs
Note The 100 species of this genus have not been studied in detail since van Oostroom's monograph (1934). Some of the many species and varieties he recognized seem tenuous on the basis of herbarium material. Field examination in Florida and the West Indies indicates that some of these forms may be au- togamous.
Reference Ooststroom, S. J. van. A monograph of the genus Evolvulus. Med. Bot. Mus. Herb. Rijksuniv. Utrecht 14: 1-267. 1934.
Key a. Leaves broadly oval, orbicular to oblong, the apex obtuse; plants prostrate, rooting at the nodes ...... 3. E. nummularius aa. Leaves oblong-ovate, elliptical to sublinear, the apex acute to acuminate; plants pros- trate, reclinate to erect, rarely rooting at nodes. b. Inflorescences not pedunculate, the flowers solitary to fasciculate from leaf axils. c. Leaves oblong-ovate; stems pubescent with long, reddish, spreading trichomes ...... 4. E. ovatus cc. Leaves linear to oblong; stems covered with appressed white or reddish tri- chomes or glabrescent ...... 5. E. sericeus bb. Inflorescences pedunculate, axillary or sometimes terminal. d. Pubescence of stems spreading. e. Corollas 10-15 mm broad ...... 6. E. tenuis ee. Corollas 3-7 mm broad ...... 1. E. alsinoides dd. Pubescence of stems appressed or apparently wanting ...... 2. E. filipes
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