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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 5/29/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 5/29/2013)
Genus Symbolanthus G. Don
PlaceOfPublication Gen. Syst. 4: 210. 1837.
Description Herbs, shrubs or rarely small trees; stems usually branched, erect, tetragonal, often slightly winged on the angles. Leaves short petiolate; the petioles amplexi- caul; the lamina generally ovate, elliptic to oblong, subrotund to acuminate at apex, narrow tapering at base, membranous to coriaceous, the costa prominent, the lateral veins becoming obscure. Inflorescences of few-flowered cymes or the flowers solitary, terminal or infrequently axillary. Flowers bracteate, 5- merous, long-pedicellate; calyx campanulate, the lobes free to near the base, carinate; corolla usually pink, sometimes purple, often broadly salverform, the lobes erect to spreading at anthesis, ovate; stamens equalling or exceeding the corolla tube, the filaments inserted on the lower half of the corolla tube, ex- panded basally, the anthers sagittate; ovary ovate, 1-locular, the paired pla- centae parietal along the 2 sutures, the style filiform, the stigma bilamellate, the lobes linear to oblong, flattened. Capsules generally surrounded by the marcescent calyx and corolla, ovate to ellipsoid, septicidally 2-valvate; seeds small, cubical, appearing tuberculate. Pollen grains united in tetrahedral tetrads,
Habit Herbs, shrubs or rarely small trees
Description 65-98 microns; single grains 3-colporate (3-colpate, 3-porate), the concurrent colpi of 2 contiguous grains ca. 15 x 6 a, the diameter of apocolpia 25-30 au; exine 4-6 M thick at the distal poles, 7-8 M thick at equator; sexine thicker than nexine, re- ticulate, heterobrochate, differentiated into a coarsely reticulate, ? equatorial zone with lumina 2-20 Mt in diameter, the muri 1-5 M wide, usually supported by one row of bacules, and for the rest a more delicate reticulum with lumina 0.5-5 M in diameter, the muri 1-2 M wide; nexine smooth or granulose (S. pulcher- rimus).
Distribution This genus contains approximately 15 poorly known species in Bolivia, Peru and Colombia and extends into Panama and Costa Rica. Only one species is known with certainty from Panama.
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