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Published In: Species Plantarum 2: 792. 1753. (1 May 1753) (Sp. Pl.) Name publication detailView in BotanicusView in Biodiversity Heritage Library

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 5/12/2022)
Acceptance : Accepted
Project Data     (Last Modified On 9/14/2020)
Contributor Text: S. Abedin & A. Ghafoor
Contributor Institution: Centre for Plant Conservation, University of Karachi – Pakistan
Synonym Text:

Deckera Sch.-Bip. in Flora 17: 479. 1834; Hagioseris Boiss., Diagn. Pl. Orient. 11: 35. 1849; Medicusa Moench, Methodus 536. 1794; Spitzellia Sch.-Bip. in Flora 16: 725. 1833.


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Annual to perennial, simple or branched herbs with simple and 2-hooked (anchor-shaped), rigid and glochidiate hairs. Leaves sessile to petiolate, alternate, all in basal or ± basal rosette or both basal and cauline, sinuate and unlobed to pinnatilobed, upper leaves gradually reduced, cordate or amplexicaul. Capitula pedunculate, 20-50-flowered, homogamous,  borne in lax terminal raceme-like corymbs or panicles. Receptacle  naked, pitted. Involucre  ± cylindric to campanulate-urceolate.  Phyllaries 2 to multiseriate, imbricate, outer ones 1-2 seriate and gradually longer inwards, usually half to two third as long as subequal, linear-lanceolate to linear, inner  1-seriate. Florets with 5-toothed, yellow ligules. Anthers sagittate at the base, with minute triangular appendages at apices. Style branches slender. Cypselas more or less homomorphic, ellipsoid-fusiform or terete, 5-10- ribbed, slightly sulcate without beak or with very short beak, narrowed at both ends, transversely wrinkled.  Pappus white or dirty white, composed of  fimbriately plumose bristles, 1- seriate, connate at the base into a ring, deciduous, sometimes 2-seriate, the outer series much smaller and scabrous.

A genus consisting of c. 40-50 species (Mabberley, 2008), mainly distributed  in the Mediterranean region and SW Asia; a few species occur in tropical Africa, E and S Asia and Australasia. Represented in Pakistan by 3 species 


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Plants pale green with basal leaves   withering at anthesis. Cypselas 3 – 3.5 mm long and truncate at the apices.



1. P. hieracioides



Plants dark green with basal leaves  persisting at anthesis. Cypselas more than  4 mm long with apical cusps.







Lower cauline leaves sessile, broadly  lanceolate, densely hairy. Synflorescence

of fewer capitula, laxly corymb-shaped. Cypselas 5 – 6 (-7)  mm long.




2. P. nuristanica



Lower cauline leaves shortly petioled. Narrowly oblanceolate to obovate, sparsely hairy to glabrescent. Synflorescence of several capitula in ± dense corymbs. Cypselas 4–5 mm long.       .




3. P. kaimaensis


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