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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 1/17/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 1/17/2013)
Genus LOZANELLA Greenm.
PlaceOfPublication Proc. Amer. Acad. 41:236. 1905.
Description Dioecious trees. Leaves opposite, slightly inequilateral, serrate, long-petiolate; stipules interpetiolar. Inflorescence many-flowered, cymose, axillary, bracteolate, borne on current year's wood. Staminate flowers: shortly pedicellate; sepals 5 (-6), more or less connate at the base; stamens as many as and opposite the calyx lobes, disc present; pistil rudimentary. Pistillate flowers: sessile; perianth as in staminate flowers; staminodes 0; pistil 1, the ovary sessile, 2-carpellate, 1-locular, the styles 2, spreading, persistent. Fruit a small drupe, the embryo and cotyledons only slightly curved.
Habit tree
Distribution Two species, only one found in Panama. Mexico to Bolivia.
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