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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 10/23/2012)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 10/23/2012)
PlaceOfPublication Enum. 2:285. 1806.
Description Plants annual or perennial, the culms leafy below; spikelets usually capitate or on short rays, sometimes solitary, with a leafy involucre; scales concave, usually spirally imbricate, all fertile; perianth none; stamens 1-3; style 2- to 3-cleft, usually with an enlarged deciduous base; achene lenticular, biconvex, or 3- angulate, with quadrangular or horizontally elongate cells
Distribution About 125 species of moist soils, chiefly of the Old World tropics.
Key a. Style branches 2; achenes lenticular; style frequently fringed below the branches. b. Achenes longitudinally striate; plants frequently annual -1. F. ANNUA bb. Achenes not longitudinally striate. c. Spikelets in a dense congested inflorescence -2. F. SPATHACEA cc. Spikelets mostly on elongate rays. d. Scales puberulent at the base; mature achenes gray to black - 3. F. SPADICEA dd. Scales appressed-pubescent at the apex --- 4. F. FERRUGINEA aa. Style branches 3; achenes trigonous; style not fringed below the branches. b. Spikelets 2-4 mm. long, very obtuse---- 5. F. MILIACEA bb. Spikelets about 6 mm. long, acute - - 6. F. COMPLANATA
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