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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 1/17/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 1/17/2013)
Genus CLARISIA R. & P.
PlaceOfPublication Prodr. Fl. Peruv. & Chil. 128. 1794.
Synonym Sahagunia Liebm. in Kon. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. 2:316. 1851. Soaresia Fr. Allem. in Arch. Palestr. Scientif. Rio Jan. 1:142. 1858. Acanthinophyllum Fr. Allem. in Rev. Brazil. 1:368. 1858.
Description Dioecious trees, the branches unarmed. Leaves alternate, distichous; stipules lat- eral. Both staminate and pistillate inflorescences secund racemes and spikes, or the pistillate subcapitate or in some species reduced to paired or solitary axillary flowers, bearing small, shortly stipitate, peltate bracts as in Trophis and Sorocea. Staminate flowers with a single stamen and an indefinite vestigial peri- anth, the anther broadly oval. Pistillate flowers epigynous, with 4 minute superior perianth lobes and an inconspicuous but persistent basal involucre of several pel- tate bracteoles, the style central and deeply 2-lobed. Fruit a small 1-seeded drupe.
Distribution About 8 species ranging from southern Mexico to Brazil and Peru
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