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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 5/22/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 5/22/2013)
Genus Tanaecium Sw.
PlaceOfPublication Nov. Gen. Sp. P1. 2: 91. 1788.
Note TYPE: T. jaroba Sw. Osmohydrophora Barb. Rodr., Vellosia, ed. 2. 1: 48. 1891. TYPE: 0. nocturna Barb. Rodr. = Tanaecium nocturnum (Barb. Rodr.) Bur. & K. Schum.
Description Lianas; stems with 8 or 16 phloem arms in cross section; branchlets terete, with or without interpetiolar glandular fields; pseudostipules inconspicuous or lacking. Leaves 2-3-foliolate, the terminal leaflet often replaced by a simple tendril; vegetative parts often with a conspicuous almond (cyanide) odor. Inflorescence an axillary or terminal raceme or racemose panicle. Flowers fragrant, calyx cupular, more or less truncate, sometimes minutely 5-denticulate, often with plate-shaped glands in the upper part; corolla white, elongate-tubular to hypocrateriform, pubescent or glabrous without; stamens usually more or less exserted, anthers glabrous, the thecae straight or arcuate, somewhat diver- gent; pollen grains single, 3-colpate or irregularly many-porate, the exine finely reticulate; ovary oblong, lepidote, the ovules multiseriate in each locule; disc cupular-pulvinate. Fruit an oblong-cylindric capsule, the valves parallel to the septum, thick, woody, not at all compressed, smooth, the median nerve invisible or furrowed, wingless or bialate with brownish irregularly-edged, poorly demarcated membranaceous wings.
Habit Lianas
Distribution Six species of tropical America ranging from Costa Rica and Jamaica to Brazil.
Key a. Leaves mostly 3-foliolate, the leaflets elliptic, pinnately veined; corolla tube densely puberulous outside; stamens more or less included; seeds thick, woody, wingless; Carib- bean coast ...... 1. T. jaroba aa. Leaves 2-foliolate, the leaflets ovate to subrotund, conspicuously 3-veined from base; corolla tube glabrate outside; stamens mostly exserted; seeds bialate with brownish membranaceous wings; eastern Panama ...... 2. T. nocturnum
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