(Last Modified On 7/15/2013)
(Last Modified On 7/15/2013)
Allophylus L.
Sp. P1. 348. 1753
TYPE: A. zeylanicus L.
Cominia P. Browne, Civ. Nat. Hist. Jam. 205. 1756. TYPE: Based on Rhus cominia L. - Allophylus cominia (L.) Swartz. Schmidelia L., Mant. P1. 1: 10. 1767. TYPE. S. racemosa L. = Allophylus racemosus (L.) Radlk. Usubis Burm.f., Fl. Ind. 81, tab. 32. 1768. TYPE: U. triphylla Burm.f. = Allophylus racemosus Radlk. Aporetica J. R. & G. Forst., Char. Gen. P1. 131, tab. 66. 1776. TYPE: Aporetica ternata J. R. & G. Forst. = Allophyllus ternatus (Forst.) Radlk. Toxicodendron Gaertn., Fruct. 1: 207, tab. 44. 1788, non Toumn., nec Thunb. TYPE: T. cobbe (L.) Gaertner = Allophylus cobbe (L.) Blume. Ornitrophe Comm. ex A. L. Juss., Gen. P1. 247. 1789. TYPE: 0. borbonica Gmel. = Allophylus integrifolius Blume. Gemella Loureiro, Fl. Cochinch. 2: 648. 1790. TYPE: G. trifolia Loureiro = Schmidelia gemella Cambess. Nassavia Vell., Fl. Flum. 1: 140. 1825. TYPE: N. axillaris Vell. = Allophylus puberulus Radlk. Azzamara Hochst. ex Hochst., Linnaea 26: 79. 1843. TYPE: A. trifoliata Hochst. = Allophylus abyssinicus (Hochst.) Radlk.
Polygamous shrubs or small trees. Leaves (1-)3(-5)-foliolate, petiolate, exstipulate; leaflets entire or serrate, often punctate or lineolate. Inflorescences axillary, racemiform or loosely paniculate. Flowers irregular, small, pedicellate, globose or often closed at anthesis; sepals 4, imbricate, in opposite pairs, the other two smaller, cucullate, membranous, glabrate or barbate within; petals 4, spat- ulate, the petal scale short, bifid or V-shaped; disc unilateral, lobate or with 4 obtuse glands; stamens 8, eccentric; ovary eccentric, usually of 2 cells, bilobed, the style 2- or 3-lobate, eccentric in fruit, the ovules solitary, ascending from the base of the cell. Fruit a single (rarely 2) obovoid-globular, indehiscent, dry or fleshy coccus; seed obovoid with a short aril.
shrubs or small trees
The genus contains about 190 species. Radlkofer's (1933-1934) monograph included 53 species for the Americas. Most of these are South American. Central America (including Mexico and Panama) has about 6 species with 3 in Mexico, 4 species in Middle America and 3 species in Panama.
Both Allophylus occiden- talis and A. psilospermus are known throughout the region. Allophylus differs from other Sapindaceae in Panama by being arborescent with 3-foliolate leaves. Some West Indian species are unifoliolate but all Central American species are 3-foliolate.
a. Leaf blades densely and conspicuously pubescent between the veins on the lower surface ...... 2. A. occidentalis aa. Leaf blades glabrous or nearly so between the veins on the lower surface. b. Inflorescence a simple raceme or with only short branches; leaf blades usually with tufts of trichomes in the axils of the lateral veins on the lower surface, dry- ing green; dried fruits less than 7 mm long ...... 3. A. psilospermus bb. Inflorescence widely branched; leaf blades usually glabrous, lacking axillary tufts, drying brown; dried fruits more than 1 cm long ...... 1. A. gentryi
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