(Last Modified On 3/20/2013)
(Last Modified On 3/20/2013)
Mabea Aublet
Hist. PI. Gui. Fr. 867, t. 334, 1775.
Shrubs or trees with milky latex; monoecious. Leaves alternate, simple, pet- iolate; stipules usually obsolete; blade expanded, entire or toothed. Inflorescence racemose or paniculate, terminal, usually bisexual. Staminate flowers numerous, usually ternate in groups of 2-5 at upper nodes with each group subtended by a conspicuously biglandular bract; calyx small of 3-5 broad lobes; petals and disc absent; stamens numerous or rarely 2-3, the anthers almost sessile on a convex receptacle, extrorse; pollen grains somewhat prolate, tectate, 3-colporate. Pistil- late flowers few, solitary (rarely 2-4 on branched peduncle) at basal nodes, sub- tending bract glandular to varying degrees; sepals 3-6, unequal, acute; petals and disc absent; carpels 3, each with 1 ovule, the styles connate in a long colum, free and simple above. Fruit capsular, endocarp hard, the columella persistent after dehiscence; seed carunculate, smooth or somewhat warty.
Shrubs or trees
About 40 species, all in tropical America and with no more than three or four as far north as Central America. As treated here, the Panamanian specimens fall into two taxa, one of which shows a wide range of variation.
a. Leaves elliptic to lanceolate, usually 3-5 times as long as wide, the apex sub- acuminate; stamens 15-25 per 8 flower ................................. 1. M. montana aa. Leaves broadly elliptic to ovate-elliptic, usually less than 3 times as long as wide, apex strongly long-acuminate; more than 30 stamens per 8 flower ............................... 2. M . occidentalis
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