5. Fraxinus L. (ash)(G. N. Miller, 1955)
Plants trees
(rarely shrubs elsewhere), to 40 m tall, dioecious or with some perfect flowers
mixed with the pistillate and/or staminate ones (usually with mostly perfect
flowers in F. quadrangulata; sometimes monoecious elsewhere). Trunk
usually 1 (more following damage or upon resprouting after logging), the
branches spreading to ascending, the bark gray, relatively thick, developing a
network of ridges and diamond-shaped furrows, sometimes becoming scaly with
age. Twigs relatively stout, gray to brown, glabrous or hairy, more or less
circular to sharply 4-angled in cross-section, with raised leaf scars and
inconspicuous to conspicuous, pale lenticels. Terminal buds usually closely
flanked by the uppermost, shorter pair of axillary buds, variously shaped, with
several, overlapping, sharply pointed scales, the axillary buds also variously
shaped. Leaves opposite, short- to moderately petiolate. Leaf blades
odd-pinnately compound with mostly 5–11 leaflets, to 40 cm long and 25 cm wide,
more or less oval in outline, the leaflets mostly short-stalked, variously
shaped, angled or tapered to the sharply pointed tip, rounded or angled at the
sometimes asymmetric base, the margins entire or shallowly toothed, the
surfaces variously glabrous or hairy, the upper surface medium to dark green,
the undersurface pale or lighter green. Inflorescences axillary, many-flowered,
appearing yellowish green to green or occasionally purplish red (pistillate) or
red to purplish red (staminate, shedding yellow pollen), consisting of
fascicles, clusters, or short racemes, these usually grouped into small
panicles, those with staminate flowers usually appearing denser and consisting
of more capitate clusters than those with pistillate flowers, produced from
1-year-old branches, developing before the leaves or as the leaves expand, some
of the branch points with small, scalelike bracts (these shed early), the
flowers stalked, not fragrant. Calyces absent or, if present, then sometimes
shed early, shallowly to deeply 4-lobed (sometimes cleft nearly to the base
along 1 side), 0.5–1.5 mm long (sometimes to 4 mm in pistillate flowers of F.
profunda), the lobes or teeth narrowly triangular to triangular. Corollas
absent (present and with 2–6 petals or deep lobes elsewhere). Style 1–3 mm
long, with a pair of ascending branches at the tip. Fruits slender, elongate
samaras, usually pendant, 25–80 mm long (including the wing), the body flattened
or more commonly turgid, with a conspicuous, slender, sometimes somewhat
asymmetric wing at the tip, the wing extending narrowly and laterally along the
body, pale green, turning straw-colored to grayish tan or brown with age. Sixty
to 65 species, North America, Central America, Caribbean Islands, Europe,
Africa, Asia, Malaysia; most diverse in temperate regions.
Ashes are common
components of most upland and bottomland forests. The wood is of commercial
importance for its great strength and shock resistance, and is used in
furniture, flooring, veneers, baseball bats, hockey sticks, canoe paddles,
other implement handles, and handcrafts. Moerman (1998) noted that Native
Americans also used various parts of the plants medicinally, ceremoniously, and
as a minor food source. The windborne pollen of ashes is considered a
seasonally important cause of hayfever. White and green ash are both easily
transplanted and commonly grown ornamentally, with green ash being used more
commonly because of its faster growth. The foliage turns bright yellow in the
autumn. Cultivars are available for both species featuring lack of fruit
production and, in white ash selections, purple fall foliage. Both species,
however are subject to a number of disease and insect pest problems. The
Eurasian Fraxinus ornus L. (flowering ash, manna ash) occasionally is
planted in Missouri for its large, terminal panicles of fragrant flowers with
slender, white petals, but is not known to escape from cultivation.
All North
American ashes have become seriously threatened in recent years by the spread
of a destructive, invasive, wood-boring beetle from Asia called the emerald ash
borer (Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire). This species was first detected
in 2002 in southeastern Michigan and soon after in adjacent Ontario, Canada
(Poland and McCullough, 2006). It presumably entered North America as a
contaminant in wood packing material or pallets used in the transport of other
imports from China, and it has since spread into portions of Illinois, Indiana,
Ohio, West Virginia, Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. The first report for
Missouri was in 2008 from the southeastern portion of the state (Wayne County),
and by 2012 the pest had been documented from the adjacent counties Madison and
Reynolds, as well as from western Missouri in Platte County. According to the
official emerald ash borer website (http://www.emeraldashborer.info), more than
20 million trees have been killed thus far. Adult females of A. planipennis
deposit eggs in bark crevices of ash trees during the summer. The larvae form
elaborate, meandering, S-shaped tunnels under the bark, feeding primarily on
the phloem tissues. This results in various symptoms, including branch dieback,
peeling and splitting of the bark, sparse foliage, anomalous branching, and
eventually death (R. Lawrence, 2005). First- or second-year larvae pupate to
form adults that emerge through the bark in the spring, leaving characteristic
D-shaped exit holes. Efforts currently are underway to develop biological
controls (mainly other insects and fungi that might parasitize emerald ash
borer). However, this insect pathogen has demonstrated an ability for
relatively rapid long-distance dispersal into new habitats, apparently by the
transport of infested ash saplings and firewood by unsuspecting humans
(Muirhead et al., 2006).