Argentina | | | Perez Moreau, R. L. | 1979 | Boraginaceae in A. Burkart | Fl. Il. Entre Ríos | 5: 209–229 |
Argentina | | | Dawson, G. | 1965 | Scrophulariaceae | Fl. Prov. Buenos Aires | 5: 251–298 |
Argentina | | | Perez Moreau, R. L. & A. L. Cabrera | 1983 | Boraginaceae in A. L. Cabrera | Fl. Prov. Jujuy | 13(8): 247–291 |
Argentina | Buenos Aires | | Dawson, G. | 1965 | Scrophulariaceae | Fl. Prov. Buenos Aires | 5: 251–298 |
Argentina | Entre Ríos | | Perez Moreau, R. L. | 1979 | Boraginaceae in A. Burkart | Fl. Il. Entre Ríos | 5: 209–229 |
Argentina | Jujuy | | Perez Moreau, R. L. & A. L. Cabrera | 1983 | Boraginaceae in A. L. Cabrera | Fl. Prov. Jujuy | 13(8): 247–291 |
Bolivia | | | Foster, R. C. | 1958 | A catalogue of the ferns and flowering plants of Bolivia | Contr. Gray Herb. | 184: 1–223 |
Bolivia | Chuquisaca | | Serrano, M. & J. Terán Aguilar | 1998 [2000] | (none) | Identific. Esp. Veg. Chuquisaca | 1–129 |
Bolivia | Santa Cruz | | Killeen, T. J. & T. S. Schulenberg | 1998 | A biological assessment of Parque Nacional Noel Kempff Mercado, Bolivia | RAP Working Papers | 10: 1–372 |
Bolivia | Tarija | | González, J. A., G. J. Scrocchi & E. O. Lavilla | 1999 | Relevamiento de la biodiversidad de la reserva nacional de flora y fauna Tariquía (Tarija, Bolivia) | Ser. Conserv. Natur. | 14: 7–134 |
Brazil | | | Dawson, G. | 1965 | Scrophulariaceae | Fl. Prov. Buenos Aires | 5: 251–298 |
Colombia | | | Dawson, G. | 1965 | Scrophulariaceae | Fl. Prov. Buenos Aires | 5: 251–298 |
Costa Rica | | | Dawson, G. | 1965 | Scrophulariaceae | Fl. Prov. Buenos Aires | 5: 251–298 |
Ecuador | | | Dodson, C.H. & A.H. Gentry | 1978 | Flora of the Río Palenque Science Center: Los Ríos Province, Ecuador | Selbyana | 4(1–6): i–xxx, 1–628 |
Ecuador | | | Renner, S. S., H. Balslev & L.B. Holm-Nielsen | 1990 | Flowering plants of Amazonian Ecuador—A checklist | AAU Rep. | 24: 1–241 |
Ecuador | Guayas | | Jørgensen, P. M. & S. León-Yánez | 1999 | Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of Ecuador | Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. | 75: i–viii, 1–1181 |
Ecuador | Los Ríos | | Dodson, C.H. & A.H. Gentry | 1978 | Flora of the Río Palenque Science Center: Los Ríos Province, Ecuador | Selbyana | 4(1–6): i–xxx, 1–628 |
Ecuador | Los Ríos | | Jørgensen, P. M. & S. León-Yánez | 1999 | Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of Ecuador | Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. | 75: i–viii, 1–1181 |
Ecuador | Napo | | Jørgensen, P. M. & S. León-Yánez | 1999 | Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of Ecuador | Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. | 75: i–viii, 1–1181 |
Ecuador | Napo | | Renner, S. S., H. Balslev & L.B. Holm-Nielsen | 1990 | Flowering plants of Amazonian Ecuador—A checklist | AAU Rep. | 24: 1–241 |
Nicaragua | | | Miller, J. S. | 1988 | A revised treatment of Boraginaceae for Panama | Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. | 75(2): 456–521 |
Panama | | | D'Arcy, W. G. | 1987 | Flora of Panama. Checklist and Index. Part 1: The introduction and checklist | Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. | 17: v–xxx, 1–328 |
Panama | | | Miller, J. S. | 1988 | A revised treatment of Boraginaceae for Panama | Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. | 75(2): 456–521 |
Panama | Bocas del Toro | | Miller, J. S. | 1988 | A revised treatment of Boraginaceae for Panama | Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. | 75(2): 456–521 |
Panama | Bocas del Toro | | Correa A., M. D., C. Galdames & M. Stapf | 2004 | (none) | Cat. Pl. Vasc. Panamá | 1–599 |
Panama | Colón | | Miller, J. S. | 1988 | A revised treatment of Boraginaceae for Panama | Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. | 75(2): 456–521 |
Panama | Colón | | Correa A., M. D., C. Galdames & M. Stapf | 2004 | (none) | Cat. Pl. Vasc. Panamá | 1–599 |
Panama | Darién | | Miller, J. S. | 1988 | A revised treatment of Boraginaceae for Panama | Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. | 75(2): 456–521 |
Panama | Darién | | Correa A., M. D., C. Galdames & M. Stapf | 2004 | (none) | Cat. Pl. Vasc. Panamá | 1–599 |
Paraguay | | | Dawson, G. | 1965 | Scrophulariaceae | Fl. Prov. Buenos Aires | 5: 251–298 |
Peru | | | Macbride, J. F. | 1960 | Boraginaceae, Flora of Peru | Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. | 13(5/2): 539–609 |
Peru | | | Brako, L. & J. L. Zarucchi | 1993 | Catalogue of the flowering plants and gymnosperms of Peru | Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. | 45: i–xl, 1–1286 |
Peru | | | Miller, J. S. | 1988 | A revised treatment of Boraginaceae for Panama | Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. | 75(2): 456–521 |
Peru | Huánuco | | Macbride, J. F. | 1960 | Boraginaceae, Flora of Peru | Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. | 13(5/2): 539–609 |
Peru | Junín | | Macbride, J. F. | 1960 | Boraginaceae, Flora of Peru | Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. | 13(5/2): 539–609 |
Peru | Piura | | Macbride, J. F. | 1960 | Boraginaceae, Flora of Peru | Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. | 13(5/2): 539–609 |
Peru | San Martín | | Macbride, J. F. | 1960 | Boraginaceae, Flora of Peru | Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. | 13(5/2): 539–609 |
Venezuela | Apure | | Hokche, O., P. E. Berry & O. Huber | 2008 | (none) | Nuevo Cat. Fl. Vasc. Venez. | 1–859 |
Venezuela | Mérida | | Hokche, O., P. E. Berry & O. Huber | 2008 | (none) | Nuevo Cat. Fl. Vasc. Venez. | 1–859 |
Venezuela | Táchira | | Hokche, O., P. E. Berry & O. Huber | 2008 | (none) | Nuevo Cat. Fl. Vasc. Venez. | 1–859 |
Venezuela | Zulia | | Hokche, O., P. E. Berry & O. Huber | 2008 | (none) | Nuevo Cat. Fl. Vasc. Venez. | 1–859 |