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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 4/5/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 4/5/2013)
Genus Tetragastris Gaertn.
PlaceOfPublication Fruct. Sem. P1. 2: 130. 1790.
Synonym Hedwigia Swartz, Prodr. Veg. Ind. Occ. 4. 1788, non Hedwigia Beauv., Mag. Encycl. 5: 304. 1804, nom. cons.
Description Trees or shrubs. Leaves alternate, odd-pinnate, membranaceous to coriaceous; leaflets 5-11, acuminate apically, the laterals inequilateral basally, the margins
Habit Trees or shrubs
Description entire. Inflorescences axillary to subterminal or terminal pianicles, shorter than the leaves; plants dioecious or polygamous. Flowers small, 4-5-merous, calyx synsepalous, cupular, 4-5-lobed, lobes short, equal, imbricate, and persistent in fruit; corolla sympetalous, tubular, fleshy, 4-5-lobed, lobes alternating with the- calyx-lobes, equal, induplicate-valvate, inflexed-apiculate; stamens 8-10, the fila- ments free or rarely adnate to the petals, inserted at the base of the disc, the anthers introrse, dehiscing longitudinally; disc thick, fleshy, glabrous, 8-10-lobed; gynoecium 4-5-carpelled, the ovary 4-5-lobed and -loculed, partly immersed in the disc, the ovules apical, pendulous, 2 per locule, the style short, the stigma 4-5-lobed. Fruits drupaceous, valvate, 2-5-lobed, 1-5-loculed, the exocarp cori- aceous, the mesocarp thick and resinous, septicidally dehiscent; pyrene 1-5, smooth, woody, 1-seeded, separated by a distinct layer of mesocarpl endosperm absent, the cotyledons simple, plano-convex.
Distribution A Neotropical genus of about a dozen species occuring from Brazil north- ward through the West Indies to Hispaniola and through Central America to British Honduras. Two species are known from Panama.
Key . Flowers 5-merous; leaves sparingly pubescent ...... 1. T. panamensis aa. Flowers 4-merous; petioles and the midveins of the leaflets densely yellowish- tomentose ...................................... 2. T. tomentosa
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