Tall robust shrubs or herbs with a greyish bark and a ± dense eglandular indumentum. Leaves opposite or in whorls of 3s, not divided, large, oblong-elliptic, crenate, petiolate. Inflorescence paniculate of numerous long slender spikes; verticillasters dense, congested, many-flowered. Bracts connate. Flowers very small, often unisexual. Calyx not or scarcely bilabiate, campanulate with a very short tube, 5-toothed; teeth greatly elongating at fruiting, becoming capillary and plumose. Corolla ± bilabiate, 4-5-lobed. Stamens when present and mature 4, exserted beyond corolla mouth; thecae 1-locular, ± circular. Style ± equally bifid. Nutlets ellipsoid-ovoid, pilose at apex.