Scandent shrubs, climbing by means of tendril, stem woody. Leaves simple, entire, palmately or digitately lobed or pedately compound or biternate, petiolate, stipulate. Inflorescence spicate or falsely paniculate, peduncle often bearing tendrils. Flowers polygamous-monoecious or bisexual. Hypanthium cupular, (4-) -5 lobed. Petals (4-) -5 distinct, spreading after anthesis. Stamens (4-) -5 attached to hypogynous disc which is annular, erect, often 5-10 grooved; ovary immersed in the disc, bilocular, each locule bi-ovulate; style short, thick conical, often 10 grooved; stigma minute, subdiscoid or cupular. Berry 2-3 seeded. Seeds small, beaked at base, often boat shaped or dorsally convex, ventrally keeled, broadly 2-grooved or traiangular-ovate.