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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 8/6/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 8/6/2013)
Genus Columnea L.
PlaceOfPublication Sp. P1. 638. 1753.
Note TYPE: C. scanderns L.
Synonym Achimenes P. Br., Civ. Nat. Hist. Jamaica 270, tab. 30. 1756, non Pers., Syn. P1. 2: 164. 1806. TYPE: A. major, herbacea, subhir&uta oblique assurgens P. Br. = Columnea fawcettii (Urban) Morton. Dalbergaria Tussac, Fl. Antill. 1: 141, pl. 19. 1811-13. TYPE: D. phoenicea Tussac Columnea sanguinea (Pers.) Hanst. Vireya Raf., Specchio 1: 194. 1814. TYPE: V. sanguinolenta Raf. =Columnea sanguinea (Pers.) Hanst. Eusynetra Raf., Fl. Tellur. 2: 57. 1837. TYPE: E. bicolor Raf. = Columnea hirsuta Sw. Glycanthes Raf., Sylva Tellur. 83. 1838. TYPE: G. scandens (L.) Raf. = Columnea scandens L. Aponoa Raf., Sylva Tellur. 84. 1838. TYPE: A. repens Raf. = Columnea scandens L. Trichantha Hook., Icon. P1. 3: tab. 666. 1844. TYPE: T. minor Hook. = Columnea minor (Hook.) Hanst. Collandra Lemaire, Fl. Serres Jard. Eur. 3: tab. 223. 1847. TYPE: C. pilosa Lemaire = Columnea aureonitens Hook. Ortholoma (Benth.) Hanst., Linnaea 26: 184, 209. 1854. LECTOTYPE: 0. acuminatum (Benth.) Hanst. = Columnea acuminata Benth. Pentadenia (Planch.) Hanst., Linnaea 26: 187, 211. 1854. TYPE: P. aurantiaca (Decne. ex Planch.) Hanst. = Columnea aurantiaca Decne. ex Planch. Pterygoloma Hanst., Linnaea 26: 188, 211. 1854. TYPE: P. repens (Hook.) Hanst. = Columnea repens (Hook.) Hanst. Stenanthus Oerst. ex Hanst., Linnaea 26: 184, 209. 1854. TYPE: S. heterophyllus Oerst. ex Hanst. = Columnea grata Mort. Stygnanthe Hanst., Linnaea 26: 185, 209. 1854. TYPE: S. moesta (Poepp.) Hanst. = Columnea moesta Poepp. X Colbergaria Wiehl., Selbyana 1: 408. 1976. X Coltrichantha Wiehl., Selbyana 1: 408. 1976. X Coltadenia Wiebl., Selbyana 1: 409. 1976. X Daltrichantha Wiehl., Selbyana 1: 409. 1976. X Daltadenia Wiehl., Selbyana 1: 409. 1976. X Trichadenia Wiehl., Selbyana 1: 409. 1976, illegitimate name. Later homonym of Trichadenia Thwaites (Flacourtiaceae).
Description Perennial suffrutescent or succulent herbs or small shrubs, stems often having adventitious roots at the nodes, epiphytic or terrestrial, habit erect, spreading, prostrate or pendulous. Leaves opposite, more or less petiolate, those of a pair equal to strongly unequal; blades various in shape, usually with a character- istic indumentum. Flowers axillary, sometimes showy, more or less pedicellate,
Habit herbs or small shrubs
Description bracteate but the bracts sometimes soon caducous; calyx lobes 5, free nearly to the base in most cases, mostly equal, the margins entire, toothed, or pectinate; petals 5, normally fused into a tubular or ventricose corolla tube with slightly to strongly unequal (zygomorphic) free corolla lobes, the 2 posterior lobes connate and themselves fused to 2 lateral lobes, the single anterior lobe being the least fused when flowers zygomorphic, the corolla lobes erect, spreading or reflexed, the tube gibbous at the base; stamens 4, the filaments brifely connate at the base and adnate to the base of the corolla tube, the anthers coherent in 2 pairs, exserted or included, the loculi dehiscent by longitudinal slits; disc normally reduced to a single bibbed gland or rarely 5 separate glands, the gland appressed to the posterior side of the ovary; ovary superior, unilocular, with 2 parietal placentas, the style terminal, about as long as the stamens, the stigma bibbed or stomatomorphic, exserted or included. Fruit a white or colored berry, sticky inside; seeds small and numerous (often more than 100), spindle shaped, pale brown with darker tips, the testa obliquely striate; embryo straight.
Distribution Columnea includes about 160 species occurring only in the New World tropics and extending from Mexico through Central America, through a number of Caribbean islands into northern South America, and as far south as Peru and Bolivia.
Note Fifty species are found in Panamat. Flowering material is essential for the identification of most species. The following account is based mainly on dried flowering material, supplemented when possible by greenhouse grown plants originally from Panama. The genus is named for Fabius Columna (1567-1640) whose book published in 1592 was the first in botany with copper-plate illustrations.
Reference Byrne, R. & B. D. Morley. 1976. Hybridisation studies in Columnea L. (Ges- neriaceae). 2. The C. querceti complex. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 72: 199-210. Jones, C. E. & P. V. Rich. 1972. Ornithophily and extrafloral color patterns in Columnea florida Morton (Gesneriaceae). Bull. So. California Acad. Sci. 71(3): 113-116. Moore, H. E. 1960. Columnea illepida, a new species from cultivation and further notes on C. moorei. Baileya 8: 54-58. Morley, B. D. 1967. In I.O.P.B. chromosome number report XI. Taxon 16: 218-221. Morley, B. D. 1972. The distribution and variation of some gesneriads on Caribbean islands, in D. H. Valentine (editor), Taxonomy, Phytogeography and Evo- lution, pp. 239-257. Academic Press, London. Morley, B. D. 1973a. Ecological factors of -importance to Columnea taxonomy, in V. H. Heywood (editor), Taxonomy and Ecology, pp. 265-281. Academic Press, London. Morley, B. D. 1973b. Materials for a treatment of Columnea in Panama. Ann. Mis- souri Bot. Gard. 60: 449-460. Morley, B. D. 1974. A Revision of the Caribbean species in the genera Columnea L. and Alloplectus, Mart. (Gesneriaceae). Proc. Roy. Irish Acad. 74(B) 24: 411-438. Morley, B. D. 1976. A key, typification and synonymy of the sections in the genus Columnea L. (Gesneriaceae). Contr. Natl. Bot. Gard. Glasnevin 1(1): 1-11. Morton, C. V. 1963. A Revision of Trichantha (Gesneriaceae). Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 38(1): 1-27. Morley, B. D 1971a. The genus Columnea in Panama. Phytologia 21: 165-195. Morley, B. D 1971b. A Reduction of Trichantha to Columnea (Gesneriaceae). Phy- tologia 22(3): 223-224. Sherk, L. C. 1960. Cytogenetic studies in the genus Columnea L. M.S. thesis, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Stearn, W. T. 1969. The Jamaican species of Columnea and Alloplectus. Bull. Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist. (Bot.) 4: 181-236. Wiehler, H. 1973. One hundred transfers from Alloplectus and Columnea (Gesneriaceae). Phytologia 27: 309-329.
Key a. Corolla lobes 5 mm long or less, erect, spreading, or incurved; stamens not exserted; berry usually ovoid in large-leaved taxa (sect. Collandra). b. Blade length of leaf pairs strongly unequal. c. Calyx lobes entire to serrate. d. Bracts minute or to ca. 3 mm long. e. Corolla less than 1 cm long ...... 34. C. parviflora ee. Corolla more than 2 cm long ...... 39. C. pulchra dd. Bracts large, 0.9-3.2 cm long. f. Leaves red-spotted beneath. g. Stems hirsute with erect hairs ...... 11. C. crassa gg. Stems strigose-sericeous with adpressed hairs ...... 10a. C. consanguinea var. adpressa ff. Leaves not red-spotted beneath ...... 10b. C. consan guinea var. darienensis cc. Calyx lobes deeply toothed. h. Pedicels 3-5 cm long ...... 9. C. cerropirrana hh. Pedicels less than 2.5 cm long. i. Leaves pilose or densely hirsute above, margins more or less toothed. j. Leaves red-tipped beneath; corollas no more than 20 mm long ...... 35. C. pectinata jj. Leaves not red-colored beneath; corollas more than 20 mm long. k. Ovary ridged, sericeous on the ridges; calyx lobes green with reddish hairs, 1-2 toothed ...... 49. C. vittata kk. Ovary not obviously ridged, pilose at least apically; calyx lobes red or orange, 3-6 toothed. 1. Leaves coriaceous, 15-20 cm long, green at margin ...... 2. C. ampliata 11. Leaves membranous, but thick from thick indumenturn, 15.5-32.6 cm long, with reddish hairs toward margin ...... 40. C. purpurata ii. Leaves glabrous to sparsely hirsute above, margins more or less entire. m. Calyx lobes densely brown hirsute, hairs often obscuring sepal teeth; leaves more than 20 cm long ...... 16. C. florida mm. Calyx lobes reddish pilose, teeth clearly visible; leaves less than 20 cm long ...... 44. C. segregata bb. Blade length of leaf pairs subequal. n. Disc glands reduced to a single bilobed gland or 2 connate glands; leaves pilose or hirsute above, below either green or dark red, veins prominent. o. Corolla less than 2.0 cm long; leaves reddish below ...... 7. C. calotricha oo. Corolla more than 2.1 cm long; leaves green below ...... 13. C. dissirnilis nn. Disc glands 4 or 5; leaves strigillose above, below light green with green or pink prominent veins ...... 3. C. angustata aa. Corolla lobes more than 5 mm long, erect or spreading; stamens exserted or not; berry globose. p. Corolla lobes subregular to zygomorphic, 10 mm long or less, rarely more. q. Corolla tube gradually tapering from throat to gibbous base, at most slightly swollen in middle; stamens held within entrance to throat or slightly exserted; corolla lobes ovate to orbicular, sometimes with sinus appendages, hardly zygomorphic; sepals various in shape (sect. Pterygoloma). r. Leaves glabrous above ...... 28. C. rnoorei rr. Leaves pilose or hirsute above. s. Leaves green beneath, although sometimes red hirsute. t. Calyx lobes ca. 23 mm long, red purple hirsute ...... 46. C. silvarum tt. Calyx lobes less than 10 mm long, brown hirsute ...... 38. C. polyantha ss. Leaves red purple spotted or concolorous beneath. u. Disc glands 5 ...... 41. C. rubida uu. Disc gland single and bilobed. v. Corolla yellow and striped maroon ...... 21. C. illepida vv. Corolla not striped. w. Corolla glabrous or at most puberulent; calyx lobes 10 mm or more long ...... 37. C. perputchlra ww. Corolla pilose with long hairs; calyx lobes 9 mm long or less ...... 12. C. cruenta qq. Corolla tube ventricose (notably constricted near throat and base); stamens not normally exserted;corolla lobes various to almost linear, more or less zygomorphic; sepals often acuminate (sect. Ortholoma). x. Leaves pilose or hirsute above. y. Leaves green beneath; corollas red throughout ...... 4. C. anisophylla yy. Leaves red purple beneath; corollas red or red and yellow. z. Pedicels 5 cm long or more; corollas red with posterior lobes yellow ...... 36. C. pendula zz. Pedicels less than 3 cm long, corollas red or red and yellow. A. Stem yellow brown villous, corollas red ...... 31. C. ochroleuca AA. Stem red purple hirsute; corollas yellow with red brown stripes ...... 27. C. mira xx. Leaves glabrous above. B. Stems strigose with adpressed hairs ...... 43. C. sanguinolenta BB. Stems villous to hirsute with erect hairs ...... 45. C. serrata pp. Corolla lobes strongly zygomorphic, more than 10 mm long. C. Corolla tube straight and gradually tapering from throat to base; disc glands 2, dorsally connate, or 1 and bilobed; stamens exselted (sect. Columnea). D. Calyx lobes more than 30 mm long, serrate-laciniate; leaf blades 21-28 cm long, 2-3 cm wide, apex long-attenuate ...... 17. C. gallicauda DD. Calyx lobes less than 30 mm long, if longer then not serrate-laciniate; leaf blades usually much shorter than 20 cm long, apex not long attenuate. E. Corollas white sericeous; calyx lobes with a sericeous midrib and often with broad ovate base and attenuate tip remotely toothed; pedicels sericeous. F. Corolla deep red with rich yellow throat; leaves all green or flushed with red; calyx lobes green or reddish ...... 30. C. nicaraguensis FF. Corolla completely yellow; leaves dark red at apices; calyx lobes yellow ...... 8. C. canarina EE. Corollas and calyx lobes not as above; corollas either glabrous, pilose or strigose, not white, sericeous;sepals either glabrous, pilose, or hirsute at the midrib, variously shaped; pedicels glabrous, pilose, hispid, or strigose (sepals and pedicels sometimes white sericeous in 14. C. dressleri and 48. C. tulae, but then corollas reddish pilose). G. Leaves glabrous above. H. Corollas yellow or predominantly yellow with red or pink stripes. I. Calyx lobes ca. 3 cm long and half the length of the red-striped corolla ...... 23. C. kalbreyeriana II. Calyx lobes less than 2 cm long (rarely to 2.5) and less than half the length of the corolla (rarely to half the length in C. rubra). J. Lower leaf surfaces generally pink to maroon; calyx lobes red; corolla yellow throughout or less often with red stripes ...... 42. C. rubra JJ. Lower leaf surfaces strongly reddish only toward apex or margin; calyx lobes greenish yellow or sometimes with a reddish mid-vein; corolla with prominent dark red stripes ...... 5. C. zebrina HH. Corollas red or predominantly red with yellow throat. K. Blade length of leaf pairs strongly unequal. K'. Leaf tips green below ...... 14. C. dressleri K". Leaf tips red below ...... 50. C. zebrina KK. Blade length of leaf pairs nearly equal. L. Stems conspicuously hispid, especially at tip ...... 5. C. arguta LL. Stems strigose. M. Corolla throat 5-7 mm wide (tube slender); ovary glabrous in lower half ...... 6. C. billbergiana MM. Corolla throat more than 7 mm wide; ovary sericeous to pilose in lower half. N. Anterior corolla lobe more than 20 mm long; calyx lobes entire to subentire ...... 1. C . allenii NN. Anterior corolla lobe less than 20 mm long; calyx lobes toothed (sometimes remotely) with teeth to 1 mm long. 0. Leaves 10-16 mm long, ovate to elliptic-ovate, the tip obtuse to acute ...... 32. C. oerstediana 00. Leaves 15-33 mm long, ovate lanceolate, the tip acuminate ...... 47. C. tenuis GG. Leaves hirsute, pilose, or tomentose above. P. Calyx lobes toothed, teeth 1.5-3.0 mm long. Q. Leaves tomentose above ...... 48. C. tulae var. tomentulosa QQ. Leaves strigose or pilose hirsute above. R. Corolla red; leaves less than 5 cm long ...... 15. C . flaccida RR. Corolla red and yellow; leaves usually more than 5 cm long. S. Corolla yellow with red spots and stripes; leaves much more than 5 cm long; galea bilobed ...... 24. C. maculata SS. Corolla red with yellow throat; leaves variable in length; galea truncate ...... 25. C. m agnifica PP. Calyx lobes entire or remotely serrulate, teeth to 1 mm long. T. Leaves 5.5-10.1 cm long; corollas red with yellow stripes; stems long hirsute ...... 19. C. hirsutissima TT. Leaves 1.2-3.2 cm long; corollas not striped when red and yellow; stems strigose or short hirsute. U. Pedicels to 5 mm long. V. Stems red hirsute; staminal filaments pilose ...... 20a. C. hirta var. hirta VV. Stems orange hirsute; staminal filaments nearly glabrous ...... 20b. C. hirta var. mortonii UU. Pedicels more than 5 mm long. W. Petioles 3-10 mm long; anterior lobe of corolla less than 20 mm long ...... 33. C. panamensis WW. Petioles 1-2 mm long; anterior lobe of corolla more than 25 mm long ...... 26. C. microcalyx CC. Corolla tube curved and more or less ventricose; disc glands 4 or 5 and free, or 2 and dorsally connate, or 1 and bibbed; stamens exserted (sect. Pentadenia). X. Leaves glabrous to sparsely strigose above; calyx lobes more than 20 mm long ...... 22. C. incarnata XX. Leaves pilose or tomentose above; calyx lobes less than 20 mm long. Y. Corolla 4 cm long or less; disc glands 5 ...... 29. C. riervosa YY. Corolla 6.0-7.5 cm long; disc gland single and bibbed. Z. Leaves oblanceolate; calyx lobes subentire to serrate ...... 25. C. magnifica ZZ. Leaves narrowly elliptic; calyx lobes serrate laciniate ...... 18. C. hiantiflora
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