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Published In: Archives de Botanique 2: 331. 1833. (Arch. Bot.) Name publication detail

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 5/16/2022)
Acceptance : Accepted
Project Data     (Last Modified On 10/24/2020)
Contributor Text : Abdul Ghafoor
Contributor Institution : Centre for Plant Conservation, University of Karachi – PAKISTAN
Synonym Text :

Thevenotula  O. Kuntz in Post & O. Kuntze, Lexicon Gen. Phan. 558. 1904.


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Annual, divaricately branched herb with denticulate-spiny, white tomentose, leathery, prominently veined leaves. Capitula homogamous, discoid, ovate-subglobose, solitaty, subtended by a foliaceous involucel. Phyllaries multiseriate, outer dentate-spiny on margins, floccose; inner oblong, ± entire; innermost terminating in a dark purple spine. Receptacle flat, beset with basally ± connate, fimbriate bristles. Florets purple. Corolla tube short, limb 5-fid. Anthers plumose caudate below, on free, glabrous filaments. Stigmas linear, with a ring of hairs at junction with style. Cypselas oblong-obconical, silky hairy, hilum basal, apical rim inconspicuous. Pappus uniseriate, bristles stout, plumose, basally dilated and connate below into a ring.

Species 2-3­­­­­, distributed in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Uzbekistan and Kazakhistan. Represented in our area by the following species.

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