(Last Modified On 10/28/2012)
(Last Modified On 10/28/2012)
Proc. Linn. Soc. 1:221. 1844
Jonker, Monogr. Burm. 227. 1938.
Tribrachys Champ. in Thwaites, Enum. P1. Zeyl. 325. 1864. Rodwaya F. Muell. in Bot. Centralbil. 45:258. 1891.
Saprophytic, fleshy herbs; underground part tuberous or (not in the Panama species) coralline or vermiform; stem usually short and unbranched, sparsely beset with small scale-like leaves; flowers erect, urceolate to campanulate, sub- tended by one or more scale-like bracts occasionally forming an involucre; peri- anth lobes 6, occasionally free and of equal length, or outer lobes smaller, sometimes the inner lobes connivent or connate, with a prominent faucal annulus; anthers usually quadrangular, 6, free or connivent into a tube, hanging with short, mostly ribbon-shaped filaments at the annulus, sometimes with alternating short, triangular lobes; ovary obconical to obovoid with 3 stalked placentas in- serted at the basal part of the ovary wall, sometimes also attached with apical stalks to the roof of the ovary; style thick and short, cylindrical or conical, per- sistent, bearing at its apex 3 simple or bilobate stigmas; fruit fleshy, cup-shaped, crowned by the persistent thick, fleshy, basal ring of the perianth tube and persistent style and stigmas.
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