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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 3/15/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 3/15/2013)
Genus Corynostylis Mart.
PlaceOfPublication Mart. & Zucc., Nov. Gen. Sp. P1. 1: 25, 1823.
Description Lianas or scandent shrubs. Leaves alternate, petiolate, the stipules early ca- ducous, the blade entire-margined to serrate-margined. Inflorescences axillary or terminal, racemose, or flowers axillary and solitary. Flowers large, zygomorphic, often resupinate; pedicels elongated, filiform, articulate, 2-bracteolate; sepals free, subequal, without basal auricles, deciduous; petals strongly unequal, deciduous, the anterior petal long-calcarate, the spur cylindrical; filaments very short, flat- tened, united; 2 anterior filaments dorsally calcarate, the spurs united and villous; 2 lateral filaments each with a short, dorsal, villous, nectariferous appendage; anthers coherent, the connectives produced apically into membranous appendages; ovary with 3 placentae, the ovules oo, in multiple rows, the style clavate, the stigma circular, anterior, slightly immersed in the style apex. Capsules large, lignous, loculicidally 3-valvate, the valves not elastic; seeds numerous, almost 4-gonous, strongly compressed, the testa crustaceous and rugose; endosperm scant; cotyledons foliaceous.
Habit Lianas shrubs
Distribution A neotropical genus of three or four species; the following is the only one in Panama and Central America.
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