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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 3/12/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 3/12/2013)
Genus ANODA Cav.
PlaceOfPublication Mon. Cl. Diss. Dec. 38. 1785.
Description Herbs or rarely suffrutices, glabrous or variously pubescent. Leaves petiolate, the stipules caducous, the blade often hastate or more or less palmatilobed. Flow- ers axillary and solitary or in terminal panicles or racemes, usually long-pedicel- late; epicalyx wanting; calyx 5-merous, lobed, erect or spreading and greatly accrescent in fruit; petals 5, adnate to the base of the staminal tube, longer than the calyx, variously colored, often purple or blue; staminal tube dilated at the base, filamentiferous at the apex, the filaments numerous, the anthers reniform; ovary of 5-oo carpels, each carpel 1-ovulate, the ovules pendulous or resupinate-horizontal; styles isomerous with the carpels, free at least in the upper part, the stigmas capi- tate or discoid. Fruits discoid or hemispherical, composed of a single whorl of mericarps, these rounded or umbonate to spurred dorsally, the lateral walls evanes- cent, the endocarp often detached from the pericarp and forming a partial or com- plete sac-like envelope around the seed or becoming fused with the outer seed coat; seeds glabrous or pubescent.
Habit Herbs
Distribution An exclusively American genus of about 13 species, monographed by Hoch- reutiner in 1916 (Ann. Conserv. Jard. Bot. Geneve 20: 29-68). Only one species is reported from Panama.
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