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!Melanoseris Decaisne in Jacquemont Search in The Plant ListSearch in IPNISearch in Australian Plant Name IndexSearch in Index Nominum Genericorum (ING)Search in NYBG Virtual HerbariumSearch in JSTOR Plant ScienceSearch in SEINetSearch in African Plants Database at Geneva Botanical GardenAfrican Plants, Senckenberg Photo GallerySearch in Flora do Brasil 2020Search in Reflora - Virtual HerbariumSearch in Living Collections Decrease font Increase font Restore font

Published In: Voyage dans l'Inde 4(Bot.): 101. 1843. (Voy. Inde) Name publication detailView in BotanicusView in Biodiversity Heritage Library

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 5/12/2022)
Acceptance : Accepted
Project Data     (Last Modified On 9/7/2020)
Contributor Text : Roohi Abid, M. Qaiser & Abdul Ghafoor
Contributor Institution : Centre for Plant Conservation, University of Karachi – Pakistan
Synonym Text :

Chaetoseris C. Shih in Acta Phytotax. Sin. 29: 398. 1991; Lack  in Kadereit & Jeffrey, Fam. Gen. Vasc. Pl.  8: 187. 2007; Stenoseris C. Shih in Acta  Phytotax. Sin. 29:411.1991; Lack, l. c. 189. 2007; Cephalorr-hynchus sect. Pterorhynchus Sennikov in Bot. Žurn. 82(5): 113. 1997.


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Perennial, occasionally rosulate, rarely acaulescent, glabrous, hispid or glandulose herbs with solitary or many, mostly foliaceous stems. Leaves petiolate, subentire or lyrately pinnate, pinnatipartite to pinnatisect to bipinnatisect, with dentate lobes. Capitula (3-) 7- 40-flowered, sessile or on short to long, thin peduncles, often nodding, borne in corymbose-shaped or panicle-like synflorescence. Involucre narrowly cylindric to broadly campanulate. Phyllaries mostly multiseriate, glabrous or softly to stiffly hairy, outer ones nearly more than half as long as inner, subequal, more or less linear-lanceolate to linear phyllaries. Receptacle naked. Florets bluish or purplish, sometimes yellow and rarely white. Cypselas much compressed, elliptical to rarely ± cylindric or fusiform and poorly compressed, (4-) 5 principal ribs two of which strongly  broadened  and none or 2 thin, apically truncate,  attenuate, or stout-beaked, brown or some shade of brown. Pappus usually white, uniseriate and of scabrid bristles or biseriate with an outer row of minutes bristles.

A medium-sized, recently resurrected, genus of c. 60-80 species, distributed in Africa, Middle East, Central and SW Asia and China. Represented in Pakistan by 14 species.


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Plant acaulescent.                              


1. M. astorensis



Plant caulescent.                                                                                                 





Phyllaries 2-seriate.                                                                                            





Phyllaries 3-4 seriate.                         





Cypsela rounded or truncate apically;

without beak.





Cypsela not as above; with conspicuous beak.





Leaves up to 7 cm broad. Capitula with 5-6 florets.



11. M. violefolia



Leaves up to 5 cm broad. Capitula with 3 florets.






Leaves entire-serrate, unlobed, petiole 4-6 cm long. Synflorescence simple racemose. Inner phyllaries 13-15 mm long. Cypsela 7 mm long, black.



 12. M. stewartii




Leaves denticulate-serrulate or sinuate toothed, lobed (unlobed in M. brunoniana) petiole more than 6 cm long. Synflorescence panicle or subracemose. Inner phyllaries up to 12 mm long. Cypsela 5 mm long, brown.







Tall herbs; plant entirely glabrous. Stem usually up to 100 cm long. Radicle leaves ovate-oblong, entire or pinnatifid. Synflorescence paniculate. Outer phyllaries linear –lanceolate. Inner phyllaries more than 3 times longer than the outer ones.





 9. M. brunoniana





Short herbs: plant glandulose-hispidulous. Stem up to 75 cm tall. Radicle leaves compound, palmately or tri-lobed. Synflorescence racemose. Outer phyllaries ovate –lanceolate. Inner phyllaries 2½ times longer than the outer ones.





13. M. aitchisoniana



Basal leaves rosulate. Cauline leaves either absent or reduced to scales. Stem divaricate-intricately branched, many stemmed with bushy habit.




8. M. polyclada




Basal leaves usually absent, if present, then cauline leaves well developed. Stem not divaricately – intricately branched.                                                     






Florets 5-8 per capitulum. Phyllaries dorsally papillose. Cypsela with 5-9 ribs. Pappus 7-8 mm long.





Florets 2-3 florets per capitulum. Phyllaries not papillose dorsally. Cypsela with 12 ribs. Pappus 4-5 mm long. 


 14. M. kashmiriana




Capitula with 5 florets. Cypsela brown, 8-12 mm long including beak; beak concolorous up to  3 mm long.        



6. M. rapunculoides



Capitula with 6-8 florets. Cypsela blackish-brown, 7-10 mm long including beak; beak discolorous (white) mostly at the apex, up to 2 mm long.                               




7. M. decipiens



Capitula with 5-8 florets.                                                  




Capitula with 15-32 florets.







Capitula glabrous. Inner phyllaries c. 12 x c. 2.5 mm. Cypsela with indistinct beak; truncate apically. 


11. M. violifolia



Capitula pubescent (papillose). Inner phyllaries 12-16 (-18) x c.2 mm. Cypsela with distinct beak, attenuate in to c. 2.5 mm long beak.



12. M. decipiens




Capitula with 13-15 florets.

4. M. macrorhiza




Capitula with more than 15 florets (25-32).





Plant up to 1.5 m or more tall. Petiole winged up to 10 cm long. Involucre phyllaries excluding inner most sparsely hairy and purplish on midrib. Inner phyllaries up to 10 mm long and 2.5 mm broad. Cypsela dark brown, attenuate up to 3 mm long beak. 




 10. M. cyanea



Plant up to 25 cm tall. Petiole unwinged. Involucre phyllaries densely laxly villous. Inner phyllaries up to 15 mm long and 1.5 mm broad. Cypsela black-brown, attenuate up to 2 mm long beak. 







Stem broad up to 10 mm; leaves 10-18 cm long, 3.5 cm broad, sharply denticulate-serrulate. Pappus 12 mm long.



2. M. alii



Stem narrower, up to 5 mm broad; leaves 7-10 cm long, 0.5-1.5 (-2) cm wide, entire or pinnatifidly lobed. Pappus 4-9 mm long.






Capitula with more than 30 florets. Cypselas  black, oblanceolate; beak stout and concolorous. Pappus 8 – 9 mm long, snowy white.                                                             



3. M. gilgitensis




Capitula with 25-30 florets. Cypselas brown-blackish, elliptic-linear; beak slender and discolorous. Pappus 4 –6 mm long, dirty or pale white.                                                                            



5. M. lessertiana


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