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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 5/10/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 5/10/2013)
Genus Priva Adans.
PlaceOfPublication Fam. PI. 2: 505. 1763.
Synonym Burseria Loefl., Iter Hisp. 194. 1758. Zapania Lam., Tabl. Encycl. Meth. Bot. 1: 58. 1791. Streptium Roxb., PI. Corom. 2: 25, pl. 146. 1798. Tortula Roxb. ex Willd., Sp. PI., ed. 4. 3: 359. 1801.
Description Herbaceous, caulescent perennials, mostly harshly pubescent throughout; stems, branches, and branchlets more or less tetragonal, often decumbent. Leaves decussate-opposite or subopposite, simple, exstipulate, thin-membranous, sessile or petiolate. Inflorescences terminal and axillary, indeterminate, racemiform, often subspicate during anthesis, narrow, erect or subflexuous. Flowers mostly small, solitary in the axil of a small bractlet, arranged in a spirally alternate or pseudosecund manner on an elongated rachis, never whorled; calyx gamosepalous, tubular during anthesis, 5-ribbed, slightly 5-plicate, slightly irregular or nearly regular, terminating in 4 short and equal or subequal teeth, persistent, accrescent, enlarging with and investing the fruit; corolla gamopetalous, more or less irregular, hypocrateriform or infundibular, surpassing the calyx, the tube straight or some- what curved, more or less ampliate apically, the limb spreading, oblique, more or less bilabiate, the abaxial lip 3-lobed with 1 large central and 2 medium-sized lateral lobes, the axial lip 2-lobed, with usually very small lobes; fertile stamens 4, didynamous, the upper pair better developed and usually inserted slightly above the middle of the corolla-tube, the lower pair inserted approximately at the middle of the tube, all included or equaling the tube, the anthers erect, ovate or oblong, 2-thecate, dorsifixed at or below the middle, introrse, the connective usually con- spicuously thickened and sagittate, unappendaged, the thecae parallel or divergent basally, dehiscing by longitudinal slits, the fifth (posterior) stamen reduced to a minute staminode or absent; ovary 4-loculed or (by abortion) 2-loculed, the ovules basal, erect, anatropous, 1 per locule, the style usually equaling the lower stamens, 2-lobed apically, the anterior lobe longer and recurved or erect, stig- matiferous apically, the posterior lobe reduced, minute and tooth-like not stig- matiferous. Fruit a dry, often woody schizocarp included by the fruiting-calyx, composed of 2 usually similar, 2(or by abortion 1)-loculed cocci which separate easily at maturity, the pericarp hard, the dorsal surface echinate, scrobiculate or ridged, the commissural surface excavated, concave, or plane; seeds lacking endo- sperm.
Habit Herb
Distribution A genus of 26 species and infraspecific entities,' widely distributed in sub- tropical and tropical Asia, Asia Minor, Africa, and America.
Key a. Corolla blue or lavender to violet, purple, or pink ...... 1. P. lappulacea fo. lappulacea aa. Corolla white ...... la. P. lappulacea fo. albiflora
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