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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 7/16/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 7/16/2013)
Genus Melicoccus P. Browne
PlaceOfPublication Civ. Nat. Hist. Jam. 210. 1756.
Note TYPE: M. bijugatus Jacq.
Description Polygamous, dioecious, or rarely monoecious, small to medium-sized trees. Leaves sparse, exstipulate, petiolate, paripinnate with 1 or 2 pairs "of leaflets; leaflets opposite, subsessile, entire, pinnately veined. Inflorescences terminal; pedicels filiform, nonarticulate; bracteoles minute, subulate. Flowers regular; calyx 4-lobed, the lobes imbricate, the two outer lobes smaller; petals 4, lacking scales; disc orbicular, crenate to 4-lobed; stamens 8, inserted within the disc around the pistil or pistillode. Fruits indehiscent, 2- or rarely 3-locular, sub- globose drupes; seeds ellipsoid, nonarillate.
Habit trees
Distribution The genus has two species in South America. At least one is widely cultivated in Central America.
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