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Published In: Species Plantarum 1: 36. 1753. (1 May 1753) (Sp. Pl.) Name publication detailView in BotanicusView in Biodiversity Heritage Library

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 6/2/2011)
Acceptance : Accepted
Project Data     (Last Modified On 6/3/2011)
Contributor Text : S. I. Ali & Brian Mathew
General/Distribution : A genus with c. 80 species, mainly Mediterranean in distribution extending to Central Asia, China, Middle East to Pakistan. Represented in Pakistan and Kashmir by 1 indigenous and one cultivated species.


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Perennial herb, corm enclosed in many membranous, coriaceous or fibrous tunics, along with cormlets formed in the axils of scales, peduncle and ovary subterranean. Cataphylls up to 5, membranous, enclosing the aerial shoot. Leaves appearing with flowers or after them; basal flat or with a canal on the upper surface with whitish median stripe; lower surface with a flattish keel having two grooves on either side. Scape absent. Inflorescence 1-many flowered. Flower pedicellate; pedicel short, subterranean, subtended sometimes by a membranous, sheathing prophyll. Bract membranous; brancteoles absent, or reduced or membranous. Perianth 3+3, gamophyllous, tube long and narrow, lobes 6, in 2 whorls, equal or subequal or inner whorl smaller. Stamens 3, inserted at the throat, anthers shorter than filaments, linear, erect. Style with 3-many branches. Ovary subterranean. Capsule maturing just above the ground due to elongation of the pedicel. Seeds many.

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1 Leaves longer than flowers at anthesis. Flowers autumnal purplish-lilac, pink or deep violet, veined with darker shades, throat yellow, white, lilac or purplish. 2 Crocus sativus
+ Leaves usually shorter than flowers at anthesis. Flowers fragrant, vernal, the interior of all segments bright yellow; exterior of the 3 outer segments usually blackish, brown or purplish on a yellow or occasionally buff coloured ground. 1 Crocus korolkowii
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