1. Mentzelia L. (stickleaf, blazing star)
Plants biennial
or perennial herbs (annuals elsewhere). Stems branched, brittle, often whitish.
Leaves usually alternate, simple, the petioles short and pubescent. Stipules
absent. Leaf blades pinnately veined and lobed, with abundant minute barbed
hairs. Inflorescences terminal, few-flowered clusters or solitary, these
apparently arranged into small racemes or panicles. Flowers actinomorphic,
perfect, epigynous. Sepals 5, sometimes persistent in fruit. Petals 5 or
apparently 10 (including 5 petaloid staminodes), whitish yellow to deep orange.
Stamens numerous, the filaments sometimes unequal, shorter toward flower
center, fused together basally and to the petal bases, sometimes expanded and
petaloid. Pistil of 3 fused carpels. Ovary inferior, with 1 locule, the
placentation parietal, the ovules numerous. Styles 3, united most of their
length, filiform, the stigmas represented by 3 furrows or tufts of hairs.
Fruits capsules, more or less cylindrical, densely pubescent with minute barbed
hairs, dehiscent by an apical valve. Seeds few to numerous, elongate and
prismatic or flattened and winged. About 60 species, primarily in the
southwestern U.S. and Mexico, a few species in Argentina and the Bahamas.
Sections within Mentzelia
are distinguished by characters of the filaments, seeds, and placentae. In
Missouri, the common native species M. oligosperma belongs to section Mentzelia,
and the two introduced species belong to section Bartonia Torr. & A.
Gray, which at one time was recognized as a separate genus (Darlington, 1934).
Additional characters are found in the number of petals and petaloid
staminodes, number of stamens, and seed morphology (Darlington, 1934; R. J.
Hill, 1976; D. K. Brown and Kaul, 1981). Several species have edible seeds,
which can be parched and ground into a flour, and a few species are cultivated
for their showy flowers.