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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 11/11/2012)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 11/11/2012)
PlaceOfPublication Gen. & Sp. Orch. Nov. 2:79. 1882
Reference Kranzl. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 34:220-232. 1925.
Description Small epiphytic herbs, the secondary stem terminated by a single leaf. In- florescence short, 1-flowered or with a fascicle of flowers. Sepals connate at the base and at the apices, leaving an opening ("window") on either side between the dorsal and lateral sepals, the- lateral sepals forming a mentum at the base. Petals small in comparison to the sepals. Lip free, simple, obscurely lobed or hastate, with two parallel lamellae, subequal to the petals in length. Column small, terete, erect or arcuate, produced into a short foot at the base. Anther terminal, opercu- late, incumbent; pollinia 2, ceraceous.
Note A small genus closely allied to Masdevallia and Pleurothallis. There are three or four species in Costa Rica and one in Panama.
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