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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 10/31/2012)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 10/31/2012)
Genus GUZMANIA R. & P.
PlaceOfPublication Fl. Peruv. 3:37. 1802.
Synonym Caraguata Lindl. in Bot. Reg. 13: under p1. io68. 1827. Davillea Bertero ex Schultes in R. & S. Syst. Veg. 7:1229. 1830, in synon. Massangea E. Morr. in Belg. Hortic. 27:59, 199. 1877. Sodiroa Andre in Bull. Soc. Bot. France 24:167. 1877. Schlumbergera E. Morr. in Belg. Hortic. 33:46. 1883, non Schiumbergera Lemaire, 1858. Chirripoa Suessenguth in Engler's Bot. Jahrb. 72:293, p1. 4, Abb. II. 1942.
Description Plant usually stemless and epiphytic. Leaves entire, the sheaths usually con- spicuous. Inflorescence simple or compound, the spikes always polystichous- flowered. Flowers perfect. Sepals usually connate. Petals connate or closely agglutinated, naked, yellow or white. Stamens usually included, the filaments appearing more or less fused to the petals. Ovary wholly superior, glabrous. Ovules numerous. Capsule septicidal. Seeds with a long basal straight usually brownish coma.
Key a. Inflorescence simple. b. Inflorescence cyathiform, the outer bracts much enlarged, red - 1. G. MINOR bb. Inflorescence not cyathiform, the outer bracts relatively incon- spicuous. c. Sepals connate for much less than half their length; floral bracts imbricate, exceeding the sepals. d. Floral bracts membranaceous. e. Inflorescence cylindric; sepals coriaceous- - 2. G. MONOSTACHIA ee. Inflorescence fusiform; sepals membranaceous. f. Leaf-blades not over 10 mm. wide; plant more or less caulescent; inflorescence sterile toward apex - - 3. G. ANGUSTIFOLIA ff. Leaf-blades 20-25 mm. wide; plant stemless; inflorescence fertile throughout - - _ - --4. G. NICARAGUENSIS dd. Floral bracts coriaceous, lustrous --- 5. G. CORIOSTACHYA cc. Sepals connate for more than half their length; floral bracts equaling or shorter than the sepals and enfolding them, not imbricate. d. Inflorescence very lax; leaf-blades with fine brown stripes - 6. G. DISSITIFLORA dd. Inflorescence densely subglobose; leaf-blades with fine wavy transverse lines - -- --7. G. MUSAICA aa. Inflorescence compound. b. Floral bracts equaling or exceeding the sepals; spikes densely strobilate. c. Inflorescence short and compact; the spikes pressed together-- 8. G. GLOMERATA cc. Inflorescence elongate and interrupted-- 9. G. POLYCEPHALA bb. Floral bracts shorter than the sepals. c. Branches dense, not much over 4 cm. long at most. d. Inflorescence digitate, subcorymbose-- 10. G. SUBCORYMBOSA dd. Inflorescence cylindric to pyramidal. e. Sepals twisted into a slender tube; primary bracts bright red. 11. G. DONNELLSMITHII ee. Sepals forming an ellipsoid; primary bracts and the rest of the inflorescence bright yellow- 12. G. ZAHNII cc. Branches lax, 10-12 cm. long; sepals connate for 10 mm. - 13. G. GUATEMALENSIS
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