Scales inside the petals present
Scales inside the petals absent
1 Cuscuta hyalina
2 (1)
Style 1 or obsolete
Styles 2
3 (2)
Capsule circumscissile with a definite line of cleavage
Capsule not circumscissile with a definite line of cleavage. i.e. dehiscing irregularly
2 Cuscuta reflexa
4 (3)
Stem and flowers with violet spots; corolla tube forming a sub-globose to urceolate covering around the capsule
Stem and flowers without violet spots; corolla tube not forming a subglobose to urceolate covering around the capsule
5 (4)
Stem yellow or brown; style less than 0.4 mm long; capsule 4-6 mm long
Stem mostly reddish; style more than 1 mm long; capsule 7-9 mm long
4 Cuscuta lupuliformis
6 (5)
Petals 1-1.7 mm long
Petals 4-6 mm long
5 Cuscuta gigantea
7 (6)
Capsule 6-7 mm in diameter; style mostly obsolete; connate part of the sepal lobes 1.5-2 mm long
6 Cuscuta monogyna
Capsule 3.3-4 nun in diameter; style c. 2 mm long; connate part of sepal lobes c. 5 mm long
7 Cuscuta lehmanniana
8 (2)
Petals, sepals and stamens 4
Petals, sepals mostly 5, rarely 4 or 6; stamens 5
9 (8)
Filament obsolete; petals broadly elliptical, with reticulate pattern
8 Cuscuta epithymum
Filament long; petals oblong-lanceolate, with papillate pattern
9 Cuscuta capitata
10 (8)
Stigma rounded or capitate
Stigma linear
10 Cuscuta europaea
11 (10)
Style linear; capsule light brown, membranous; i.e. seeds visible from outside; petals mostly nonglandular
Style subulate; capsule dark brown, thick i.e, the seeds not visible from outside, petals thick, glandular
11 Cuscuta australis
12 (11)
Stem coarse; flowers mostly in dense glomerules; capsule depressed
Stem very fine; flower solitary or in umbel-like cynic; capsule non-depressed
12 Cuscuta pulchella
13 (12)
Petals triangular; sepal lobes triangular-ovate, forming carina near the tip, 2-2.5 mm long; bract keeled; filament flat
13 Cuscuta chinensis
Petals oblong-elliptical; sepal lobes oval to orbicular, not forming carina near the tips, 1.2-1.5 mm long; bracts not keeled; filament subulate
14 Cuscuta campestris