Annual or perennial hirsute to glandular herbs. Leaves alternate, pinnatifid–pinnatisect. Capitula small, globose disciform, loosely cymose with corymbosely arranged branches. Involucre campanulate to hemispheric, phyllaries 2–3–seriate, subscarious, subequal, oblong to lanceolate with scarious margins. Receptacle cup–shaped or funnel shaped, epaleate. Ray florets numerous, female, in many series, filiform, purplish, ligule almost absent. Disc florets few, present in the centre of receptacle, bisexual, functionally male, tubular, purplish. Anther bases truncate. Style branches linear–lanceolate. Cypselas small, oblong to fusiform, glabrous, unribbed. Pappus absent.
A small genus, having 3 species, distributed in tropical Asia. Following species is cultivated in gardens, sometimes also as an escape.