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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 10/24/2012)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 10/24/2012)
PlaceOfPublication Mem. Mus. Paris 9:35. 1822.
Synonym Cyclosanthes Poeppig, Froriep. Notiz. 31:312. 1831. Discanthus Spruce, Jour. Linn. Soc. Bot. 3:196. 1859.
Description Plants acaulescent, terrestrial, lactescent. Leaves spiral, deeply 2-cleft, re- sembling those of many species of Carludovica. Spadix immediately subtended by 5-7 petalaceous or somewhat foliaceous spathes. Staminate and pistillate flowers arranged in separate, alternating cycles, those of each cycle adnate and more or less completely confluent; staminate flowers naked; pistillate flowers en- closed by 2 rims of fleshy tissiue representing the concrescent perianths, staminodia numerous, short. Fruit a syncarp consisting of the various fleshy cycles of pistil- late flowers, somewhat resembling a large screw.
Distribution Two or three species of tropical America.
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