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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 1/11/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 1/11/2013)
Genus ARRACACIA Bancroft
PlaceOfPublication Agr. Hort. Soc. Jamaica 1825:3. 1825.
Synonym Pentacrypta Lehm. 1nd. Sem. Hort. Hamburg 16. 1828.
Description Perennial, glabrous or pubescent herbs from taproots or tubers; stems erect, branched or simple, the leaves petiolate, once or more ternate, pinnate, or ternate- pinnate, the petiole sheathing; inflorescence of terminal and lateral compound umbels, the fertile rays few to numerous, an involucre usually lacking, an involucel commonly present; flowers white to purple or greenish or greenish-yellow, the petals with an inflexed apex, the calyx obsolete; stylopodium conical to indistinct, the styles long or short, the carpophore parted to the base or merely bifid; fruit compressed laterally, usually narrowed at apex, all ribs prominent, acute or obtuse, or filiform and indistinct, the vittae solitary to several in the intervals, 2 or several on the commissure; seed subterete, often sulcate beneath the vittae, its face sulcate or concave.
Habit herb
Distribution rracacia, with some 33 species in the warmer parts of North and South America, is represented in Panama by a single species.
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