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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 2/4/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 2/4/2013)
Genus ASPASIA Lindl.
PlaceOfPublication Gen. & Spec. Orch. Pl. 139. 1833
Reference Benth. & Hook. Gen. PI. 3:560. 1883.
Synonym Trophiantbus Scheidw. in Otto & Dietr. Allg. Gartenzeit. 12:218. 1844.
Description Epiphytic herbs with short, erect, approximate, usually complanate, cylindric stems conspicuously thickened above into compressed, 1- to 2-leaved pseudobulbs, the lower stems and bases of the pseudobulbs invested by the conduplicate, distichously imbricating bases of several conspicuous, foliaceous bracts. Leaves and bract blades coriaceous or subcoriaceous. Inflorescences 1-2 short, erect, few- flowered racemes or rarely 1-flowered scapes, not equaling the leaves, produced from the axils of the uppermost foliaceous bracts. Flowers relatively large to small. Sepals of about equal length, spreading, the dorsal sepal subequal to the petals, the bases of the 3 upper segments connivent and adnate to the column usually somewhat above the insertion of the free lateral sepals. Lip shortly and narrowly clawed at the base, the claw adnate to the lower half of the column, the free limb spreading or with the apical half somewhat porrect, obscurely 3-lobed, subpandurate, subquadrate, suborbicular or obovate, sometimes entire, the lateral lobes (if present) rather broad, subdistinct or confluent with the usually larger mid-lobe. Column erect, semiterete, sometimes somewhat arcuate, the lower half connate with the claw of the lip, the ventral surface below the stigma broadly or narrowly sulcate, the margins sometimes with 2 short, denticulate projections, the apex truncate or sometimes continued into a short membranaceous hood over the anther, the column otherwise wingless, the base without a foot. Anther terminal, operculate, incumbent, 2-celled; pollinia 2, waxy.
Note About ten species of tropical American epiphytes, ranging from Guatemala to Brazil. Two of these and one variety are thus far known from Panama.
Key a. Pseudobulbs monophyllous. Plants 25 cm. tall or less. Column less than 6 mm. long ........................................................ 3. A. PUSILLA aa. Pseudobulbs diphyllous. Plants more than 25 cm. tall. Column 1.5 cm. long or more. b. Lateral sepals 1.5-2.2 cm. long, with broad transverse markings. Column with an elliptic depression below the stigma. Apical half of the lip porrect ............... 1. A. EPIDENDROIDES bb. Lateral sepals 2.5 cm. long or more, with narrow longitudinal stripes. Column with a narrow linear groove below the stigma. Apical half of the lip not porrect....................2 A. EPIDENDROIDES var. PRINCIPISSA
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