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!Hillia Jacq. Search in The Plant ListSearch in IPNISearch in Australian Plant Name IndexSearch in Index Nominum Genericorum (ING)Search in NYBG Virtual HerbariumSearch in JSTOR Plant ScienceSearch in SEINetSearch in African Plants Database at Geneva Botanical GardenAfrican Plants, Senckenberg Photo GallerySearch in Flora do Brasil 2020Search in Reflora - Virtual HerbariumSearch in Living Collections Decrease font Increase font Restore font

Publicado en: Enumeratio Systematica Plantarum, quas in insulis Caribaeis 3, 18. 1760. (Aug--Sep 1760) (Enum. Syst. Pl.) Name publication detailView in BotanicusView in Biodiversity Heritage Library

Datos del Proyecto Nombre (Last Modified On 4/3/2024)
Aceptación : Accepted
Nota : Tribe Hillieae
Datos del Proyecto     (Last Modified On 4/3/2024)
Notas :

Hillia Jacq. includes about 25 species of succulent, usually epiphytic shrubs and small trees distributed widely in the New World tropics. Hillia plants are found in wet tropical forests, from low to montane elevations. The genus can be recognized by its combination of well developed, interpetiolar, oblanceolate to obovate stipules that are held erect and flattened together in bud, its succulent leaves with the secondary venation usually not visible, its usually relatively large corollas with well developed tubes and 4-10 lobes that are convolute in bud, and its cylindrical woody capsules that contain numerous flat papery seeds with a tuft of silky filaments 1-3 cm long on one end. The seeds are apparently wind-dispersed; a similar arrangement, with a tuft of trichomes at one end, is found in one other genus of neotropical epiphytes, Didymochlamys Hook.f. The flowers vary from salverform to broadly tubular, and range from diurnal and red to nocturnal and white, green, or yellow-green. At in least the species with white nocturnal flowering the flowers last for one night. This genus belongs to the tribe Hillieae. Hillia parasitica is the most commonly collected species.

Hillia was monographed by Taylor (1994), who included in it the Central American genus Ravnia (Taylor, 1989) and recognized five subgenera. Hillia subg. Hillia is found throughout most of the range of the genus and characterized by fragrant noctural flowers that are pollinated by hawkmoths, and have white salverform corollas with five to six lobes and exserted stigmas. Hillia subg. Illustres is found from southern Central America to southeastern Brazil and characterized by apparently noctural flowers pollinated by bats or perhaps moths, with green or dull orange to purple funnelform corollas with generally six lobes. Hillia subg. Andinae comprises one species of the central Andes with small leaves and flowers, and has flowers similar to those of Hillia subg. Hillia except the stigma is included and positioned near the base of the corolla; this species may also be pollinated by hawkmoths but little is known. Hillia subg. Tetrandrae is found in the Antilles and Central America and characterized by fragrant noctural flowers that are pollinated by hawkmoths, with salverform white corollas with four lobes. Hillia subg. Ravnia is found in southern Central America and northwestern Colombia and characterized by apparently diurnal flowers that are pollinated by hummingbirds, with funnelform to swollen corollas with generally six lobes. One species of Hillia subg. Ravnia, Hillia triflora, is unusual in the genus in its inflorescences that usually have two to three cymose flowers and its corollas that are swollen, with the base and mouth narrower than the middle.

The pollen of Hillia was studied and illlustrated in detail by D'Hondt et al. 92004). The phylogenetics, pollination biology, and biogeography of Hillia are currently under study by L. Ball and L. Lagomarsino (LSU).

Species of Hillia can be confused with those of Cosmibuena Ruiz & Pav.; however Cosmibuena differs in its stipules that are shortly united around the stem (vs. separate in Hillia) and its seeds without Hillia's tuft of filaments.

Author: C.M. Taylor
The content of this web page was last revised 3 Aprril 2024..
Taylor web page: http://www.mobot.org/MOBOT/Research/curators/taylor.shtml

Distribución :

Neotropics: Wet lowland to montane forests, including mangroves, Mexico and the Antilles to Bolivia and southeastern Brazil.

Referencias :


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Shrubs and small trees, unarmed, epiphytic, without raphides in the tissues, generally succulent. Leaves opposite, petiolate to subsessile, entire, venation not lineolate and often not visible, without domatia; stipules interpetiolar, ligulate to oblanceolate, held erect and flatly appressed in bud, caducous. Inflorescences terminal, sometimes bracteate, cymose and 3-flowered or usually folowers solitary, subsessile to pedunculate, bracts present or reduced. Flowers sessile to pedicellate, bisexual, homostylous, protandrous, diurnal or nocturnal, large, showy, sometimes fragrant; hypanthium cylindrical to ellipsoid; calyx limb reduced or deeply 4--10-lobed, without calycophylls; corolla salverform or funnelform to ventricose, red, green, or white, glabrous, lobes 4--10, triangular, convolute in bud, without appendices ; stamens 4--7, inserted near top or middle of corolla tube; anthers narrowly oblong, dorsifixed near base, included, opening by longitudinal slits, without appendages; ovary 2-locular, ovules numerous in each locule on axile placentas; stigma 1, shortly bilobed, included to partially exserted. Fruit capsular, cylindrical or narrowly oblong, septicidally dehiscent from apex, woody, smooth to longitudinally ridged, valves 2, with calyx limb persistent or tardily deciduous; seeds numerous, flattened, small, fusiform, marginally winged and with a tuft of long filaments at the apex. 


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Key to the Subgenera of Hillia

1. Corollas funnelform to tubular or inflated, salmon to bright red or green sometimes flushed with yellow, pink, orange, or dull purple.
     2. Corollas funnelform, green sometimes flushed with yellow, pink,orange, or dull purple; Costa Rica to southeastern Brazil... Subg. Illustres (7 species)  

     2'. Corollas funnelform to tubular or inflated in the middle, salmon to bright red; southern Mexico to northwestern Colombia and northeastern Venezuela...Subg. Ravnia (5 species) 

1. Corollas salverform, white to pale green or sometimes flushed with pink.

     3. Corolla lobes 4; stigmas linear, positioned below the anthers; Antilles and southern Mexico to northwestern South America... Subg. Tetrandrae (5 species)   
     3'. Corolla lobes 5-6; stigmas subcapitate to linear, positioned above or below the anthers.

          4. Stamens inserted near middle of corolla tube; stigmas linear, positioned below anthers; Ecuador and Peru...Subg. Andinae (1 species)
          4'. Stamens inserted near top of corolla tube; stigmas subcapitate to shortly linear, positioned just above anthers; Antilles and widespread in South America...Subg. Hillia (7 species)



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