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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 3/7/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 3/7/2013)
PlaceOfPublication Sp. P1. 1191. 1753
Reference Gen. P1. ed. 5, 498. 1754.
Description Lianas, the branches and branchlets usually opposite; milky latex present. Leaves opposite, petiolate, stipulate. Inflorescences axillary, usually many-flowered, cymose-paniculate, with supplementary branch lets in the dichotomies or in the axils of branchlets, pedunculate, the branchlets elongate. Flowers hermaphrodite, small or medium-sized, pedicellate, bracteolate; sepals 5, subequal; petals 5, subim- bricate or valvate, transversely barbellate within; disc continuous, annular-pulvi- nate, conspicuous, cupuliform, carnose, minutely tomentellous-papillate without; stamens 3, suberect or spreading and reflexed, the filaments often connate to the upper portion of the disc, the anthers often slightly extrorsely nutant, transversely ellipsoid, dehiscing by apical, transversal, confluent clefts; pollen grains in tetrads; ovary completely immersed in the disc, deeply sulcate, 3-celled, the cells 6- to 8-ovulate, the ovules 2-seriate, ascending from the inner basal angle; style subulate, truncate, the stigmas inconspicuous. Fruits 1-3 per inflorescence, of 3 capsular mericarps, these divergent, suberect, separately attached to a swollen receptacle, flattened dorsoventrally, dehiscing along an inconspicuous, median suture, the pericarp papyraceous or thin-coriaceous; seeds 5 or 6 per mericarp, affixed by a conspicuous, basal wing.
Habit Lianas
Distribution A genus of three species, one in tropical America and two in tropical Africa.
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