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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 10/1/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 10/1/2013)
Contributor Peter S. White
PlaceOfPublication Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 1: 97. 1891.
Note TYPE: Coursetia mexicana S. Wats. = Willardia mexicana (S. Wats.) Rose.
Description Shrubs or small trees. Leaves alternate, imparipinnate; leaflets entire, petio- luled, estipellate; stipules caducous or lacking. Inflorescences racemes or pani- cles in uppermost axils, equalling or exceeding the leaves; bracts small, caducous; flowers usually paired on bracteolate branches of the short, bracteolate pedicels. Flowers usually bluish or lilac; hypanthium broadly cup shaped, abruptly con- tracted into a stipe, shallowly 5-lobed or teeth nearly obsolete; petals 5, about the same length, short clawed, free except the keel petals connate for part of the length, standard orbicular; stamens 10, the vexillary stamen fused with the stam- inal tube except at its base, the anthers uniform; ovary slender, flat, nearly sessile, ovules several, the style short, incurved, glabrous, the stigma small, capitate. Fruit a dehiscent legume, linear to oblong, flat, often resinous or with resin ducts near the margin, continuous within; seeds reniform, flattened.
Habit Shrubs or small trees.
Note Willardia is a genus of six species
Distribution Mexico and Central America.
Note It is often confused with Lonchocarpus when in flower or leaf. However, Willardia has dehiscent fruits (sometimes tardily so), fruits often with resin ducts, wing petals free from the keel, and the hypanthium narrowed at the base. Lonchocarpus fruits are indehiscent and the legume is often flattened into a wing, lacks resin ducts, the wing petals are often adherent to the keel, and the hypanthium does not narrow above the juncture with the pedicel.
Reference Hermann, J. 1947. Studies in Lonchocarpus and related genera I: A synopsis of Willardia. J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 37: 427-430.
Key a. Fruits 5.5-8.0 cm long; leaflets 1.5-5.0 cm long, 0.7-2.0 cm wide; flowers to 11 mm long ...... 1. W. schiedeana aa. Fruits to 3.5 cm long; leaflets 1.0-2.5 cm long, 0.5-1.0 cm wide; flowers to 9.5 mm long ...... la. W. schiedeana var. lindsayi
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