(Last Modified On 9/17/2013)
(Last Modified On 9/17/2013)
Rondeletia L.
Sp. P1. 172, 1753.
TYPE: R. americana L.
Petesia P. Br., Civ. Nat. Hist. Jam. 143, tab. 2 & 3, 1756. TYPE: not designated. Lightfootia Screb., Gen. P1. 122, 1789, not Swartz 1788, not L'Her. 1788. TYPE: not given. Willdenovia J. F. Gmelin, Syst. Nat. 2: 362, 1791, not Thunb. TYPE: W. schreberi Gmel. Arachnimorpha Desv. in Hamilt., Prodr. 28, 1825. TYPE: not designated. Rogiera Planch., Fl. Serres 5: 442, 1849. TYPE: R. amoena Planch. Arachnothryx Planch., Fl. Serres 5: 442. 1849. TYPE: R. buddleioides Benth.
Shrubs or trees. Leaves coriaceous to membranous, often acuminate; stipules interpetiolar, free, mostly entire. Inflorescences terminal or axillary, usually pa- niculate, rarely thrysoid, rarely racemose or spiciform, pedunculate. Flowers with the hypanthium rotund or oblong, the calycine cup with 4-6(-7) lobes, the lobes occasionally foliaceous; corolla tube narrowly cylindrical, hairs present or absent within, occasionally the mouth with a ringlike thickening, the lobes 4-6, imbricate; stamens 4-6, the anthers oblong, dorsifixed, the filaments often un- equal; ovarian disc annular, the style slender, the stigmas 2(-3), the ovary 2(-3) celled, the septum complete or incomplete, the ovules numerous. Fruits capsular, globose or rotund, the valves 2, splitting loculicidally or septicidally, each valve often split; seeds numerous, exalate or winged at one or both poles.
Shrubs or trees
Rondeletia has about 125 species
found in the West Indies, Mexico, Central America and South America.
Kirkbride, J. 1969. A revision of the Panamanian species of Rondeletia (Rubi- aceae). Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 3: 372-391.
a. Leaves bullate ...... 9. R. odorata var. breviflora aa. Leaves not bullate. b. Leaves with dense white indumentum beneath. c. Leaves arachnoid-tomentose beneath; calycine lobes 10-13 mm long ...... 6. R. darienensis cc. Leaves white tomentose beneath; calycine lobes to 2 mm long ...... 3. R. buddlejoides bb. Leaves glabrate beneath. d. Leaves subcoriaceous; stipules reflexed ...... 1. R. ainoena dd. Leaves membranous or chartaceous; stipules erect. e. Flowers 4-merous; fruit septicidal (not seen in R. d'arcyi and R. kirkbridei), loculicidal in R. secunda. f. Calycine lobes unequal in length. g. Calycine lobes inconsistent as to one being 2 times longer than the other ...... 5. R. darcyi gg. Calycine lobes unequal in length, with one 2 or more times longer than the other 3. h. The large calycine lobe 2.0-7.5 mm long, capsule strigose or glabrous. i. Hypanthium densely strigose or puberulent. j. Hypanthium densely strigose, corolla tube 9-11 mm long, white ...... 4. R. cooperi Jj. Hypanthium puberulent; corolla tube ca. 20 mm long, pink or lavender ...... 8. R. kirkbridei ii. Hypanthium arachnoid tomentose. k. Small calycine lobes linear or narrowly oblong, 1.7-4.0 mm long; capsule loculicidal ...... 13. R. secunda kk. Small calycine lobes triangular, 0.3-1.8 mm long; capsule septicidal ...... 2. R. bertieroides hh. The large calycine lobe 6.0-11.5 mm long ...... 12. R. salicifolia ff. Calycine lobes about equal in length ...... 11. R. platysepala ee. Flowers 5-merous; fruits loculicidal. 1. Calycine lobes 1-2 mm long; corolla tube 6-9 mm long ...... 7. R. hainelifolia 11. Calycine lobes ca. 8.5 mm long; corolla tube 11-18 mm long ...... 10. R. panamensis
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