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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 8/8/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 8/8/2013)
Genus Rufodorsia Wiehl.
PlaceOfPublication Selbyana 1: 139. 1975.
Note TYPE: R. major Wiehl.
Description Epiphytic herbs or subshrubs; stems erect, ascending or decumbent, with few branches. Leaves opposite and decussate, nearly equal in a pair, lanceolate to ovate, membranous or succulent to subcoriaceous, toothed, pubescent; petiolate. Inflorescences axillary, of few to several flowers in a dense cyme; peduncles and pedicels short, bracteate. Flowers inconspicuous; calyx lobes 5, not all equal; corolla usually white with reddish upper side of tube and lobes, short, infundib- uliform, the limb 5-lobed, somewhat bilabiate; stamens 4, not exserted, the fila- ments adnate to the base of the corolla tube, the anthers coherent in 2 pairs by their apices; disc of a bibbed posterior gland; ovary superior, the stigma stomato- morphic. Fruit a white berry; seeds with a fleshy funiculus, striate. Chromo- somes n - 9 (Wiehler, 1975).
Habit herbs or subshrubs
Note The generic name was derived from the Latin, rufus and dorsum, referring to the reddish upper lobes of the corolla. The corollas resemble those of Koel- likeria erinoides, suggesting a similar pollinator.
Distribution Costa Rica and Panama.
Note Often pairs of species occur in the same locality in cloud forests, but interspecific hybrids have not yet been reported, but can be expected.
Reference Wiehler, H. 1975. Rufodorsia, a new Central-American genus in the Gesneri- aceae. Selbyana 1: 138-149.
Key a. Plants large and coarse, to 60 cm tall; leaves usually reddish on lower side, sub- coriaceous, sparsely strigillose, but appearing smooth ...... 2. R. major aa. Plants shorter and more slender, rarely to 50 cm tall; leaves rarely reddish on lower side, membranous but appearing thick by dense nearly sericeous hairs. b. Corolla limb less than 5 mm wide; calyx lobes unequal, the lower lobe larger ...... 3. R. minor bb. Corolla limb ca. 10 mm wide; calyx lobes nearly equal ...... 1. R. intermedia
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