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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 9/18/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 9/18/2013)
Genus Sabicea Aublet
PlaceOfPublication Hist. P1. Guiane 1: 192. 1775.
Note TYPE: S. aspera Aubl.
Description Climbing shrubs. Inflorescences axillary, sessile or pedunculate, the flowers disposed in bracteate heads or in corymbose or umbellate cymes. Flowers with the hypanthium somewhat ellipsoid, the lobes 3-6, linear or oblong; corolla usu- ally funnel shaped, the lobes 4-5, shorter than the tube, valvate in bud; stamens 4-5, usually included, the anthers dorsifixed, inserted in the tube or in the throat of the corolla; style usually included, the stigmas 4-5, linear; ovules numerous on axile placentae. Fruits fleshy or leathery, 4-5-celled; seeds numerous, minute.
Habit shrubs
Note a genus of about 125 species
Distribution found in tropical America, Africa, and Madagascar.
Reference Wernham, H. F. 1914. A Monograph of the genus Sabicea, 1-82.
Key a. Calycine lobes 2-4 mm long; stipules 3-6(-7) mm long. b. Stems and leaves with hairs closely appressed. c. Inflorescences short pedunculate ...... 1. S. panamensis cc. Inflorescences sessile ...... 2b. S. villosa var. adpressa bb. Stems and leaves with hairs spreading ...... 2a. S. villosa var. villosa aa. Calycine lobes 3-6 mm long; stipules ca. 8 mm long ...... 3. S. stellaris
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