1. Folíolo 1, hojas aparentemente simples ... Z. schreberi
1. Folíolos 2 o más
2. Sepals and petals poorly or not differentiated, 8-10, oblong, deciduous or retained only in part in fruit; apical bud, and short shoots if present, ferruginous-lanate
3. Leaves 18--35 cm de largo, mainly clustered at apices of elongated ramitas; lateral leaflets 3.5--9 cm de largo, apex acute to acuminate ... Z. mollissimum
3. Leaves 3--8 cm de largo, mainly from thickened to globose short-shoots; lateral leaflets 0.7--3.2 cm de largo, apex rounded to obtuse and emarginate ... Z. williamsii
2. Sepals and petals well differentiated; sepals 3, 4, or 5, suborbicular, ovate, lanceolate, or deltoid, persistent in fruit; apical bud various, but not ferruginous-lanate
4. Flowers 3-merous; leaves paripinnate, leaflets scattered lepidote to glabrous ... Z. acuminatum ssp. juniperinum
4. Flowers 4 or 5-merous; leaves imparipinnate or if paripinnate, leaflets with stellate hairs or appressed simple hairs (the hairs minute in Z. kellermanii)
5. Flowers 4-merous; leaf rachis margined or winged except in Z. tetramerum
6. Leaf rachis terete; lateral leaflets 5--11 cm long with apices acuminate-falcate ... Z. sp.
6. Leaf rachis margined or winged; lateral leaflets 0.7--5 cm de largo with apices acute, rounded or obtuse, and usually emarginate
7. High lianas or forming mats; leaflets 17--43 (in Nicaragua); inflorescence panicule, 2-4 times branched, flowers pedicellate ... Z. foliolosum
7. Trees, treelets, or shrubs, erect or decumbent; leaflets 5--19; inflorescence spicate, simple or 1 or 2 times branched, flowers sessile
8. Leaves with 11--19 leaflets; leaflets 0.6--1.5 cm de largo y 0.4--0.6 cm de ancho ... Z. nicaraguense
8. Leaves with 5--9 leaflets; leaflets 1--5 cm de largo y 0.5--2.7 cm de ancho
9. Branchlets rarely with few straight or nearly straight spines, without pronounced zig-zag growth form; lateral leaflets elliptic (narrowly oblanceolate), usually with at least proximal basal tooth extending parallel to rachis; inflorescence 1 or 2 times branched, glabrous ... Z. culantrilo
9. Branchlets usually with numerous downward hooking spines, with pronounced zig-zag growth form; lateral leaflets obovate, usually with basal pair of glandualr teeth folded over abaxial surface; inflorescence simpe or 1 time branched, puberulent ... Z. fagara
5. Flowers 5-merous; leaf rachis terete
10. Stellate hairs present on apical buds, branchlets, abaxial surface of leaflets, and inflorescence rachis
11. Lateral leaflets oblong, 7-15.5 cm de largo, margin serrulate to entire, abundantly to densely stellate-pubescent ... Z. ekmanii
11. Lateral leaflets narrowly elliptic, 2-9.5 cm de largo, margin crenate, often grossly so, sparsely stellate-pubescent ... Z. rhoifolium
10. Stellate hairs absent
12. Whole plant glabrous; leaflets with margin crenate, often grossly so; inflorescence and infructescence rachis more or less corky, cracking transversely, and exfoliating in scales ... Z. caribaeum
12. Hairs present at least on young branchlets; leaflets with margin serrulate to entire; inflorescence and infructescence not corky, not cracking transversely, not exfoliating in scales
13. Follicles ca 3.3 mm de largo; ramitas hollow in part, myrmecophilous, with alternating short swollen zones, 7--15 mm wide, and elongated non-swollen zones, 4.5--8 mm wide ... Z. setulosum
13. Follicles 4--7 mm de largo; ramitas solid, not myrmecophilous, without alternating swollen and non-swollen zones
14. Leaflets 3 or 5, coriaceous; petals 3.1--3.3 mm de largo; follicles with stipes 1--2 mm long .... Z. melanostictum
14. Leaflets 9--15, chartaceous; petals 1.5--2 mm de largo; follicles without stipes
15. Follicles 1--4, connate laterally; leaflets oblong; branchlets with appressed hairs ... Z. kellermanii
15. Follicles 1--3, free; leaflets wide elliptic (rarely oblanceolate, or elliptic); branchlets with spreading hairs ... Z. panamense