Decumbent to creeping herbs, apparently annual, rooting at nodes, with raphides in the tissues, unarmed, glabrescent to densely pilose-villous, stems apparently quadrangular. Leaves opposite, subsessile or pseudopetiolate, entire, glandular-punctate, with higher-order venation not lineolate and hardly visible, without domatia; stipules witih sheath interpetiolar and fused to petiole bases, subtruncate to broadly rounded, on each side fimbriate with 3-5 linear projections, in bud perhaps imbricated, persistent. Inflorescences terminal at apex of main stem and on reduced lateral stems borne from one axil of a node, subcapitate with 1-4 flowers, subtended by 1-2 pairs of leaves or foliaceous bracts. Flowers subsessile, bisexual, perhaps homostylous, protandrous, perhaps diurnal, whether fragrant unknown; hypanthium subglobose; calyx limb reduced; corolla rotate, small (1-1.5 mm long), white, internally glabrous, lobes 3-4, ligulate, valvate, marginally entire; stamens 3-4, inserted at top of corolla tube, filaments shortly developed, anthers ellipsoid, dorsifixed near middle, exserted, opening by linear slits, without appendage; ovary 2-locular, ovules numerous in each locule, borne on peltate axile placentas, stigmas 2, linear, exserted. Fruits schizocarpous, subglobose and dicoccous, dry, rather small (ca. 1.5 mm long); seeds 1 per locule, ellipsoid to lenticular, shiny.