22. Hydrocotyle L. (water pennywort)
perennial, with thin, fibrous roots, glabrous. Stems 5–30 (or more) cm long,
prostrate, creeping, rooting at the nodes. Leaves solitary or occasionally
appearing paired at the nodes, long-petiolate, glabrous. Leaf blades peltate or
deeply cordate at the base, circular to broadly depressed-oval or broadly
kidney-shaped, the margins scalloped and/or lobed. Inflorescences simple umbels
or spikes, sometimes appearing headlike on smaller plants, axillary, the stalks
shorter than the petioles. Bractlets 0.5–1.2 mm long, lanceolate to
oblong-lanceolate. Sepals absent. Petals ovate, rounded or bluntly pointed at
the tip, white. Ovaries glabrous. Fruits circular to depressed-circular in
outline, rounded or truncate to shallowly cordate at the base and tip, strongly
flattened laterally, glabrous, tan to brown, the mericarps with the ribs
inconspicuous or the dorsal and lateral ribs somewhat corky-thickened. About
130 species, nearly worldwide.